21 ⇝ please don't let me go

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» Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile.  «
~ Paulo Coelho

In which the truth is told.

Dedicated to: -kaittt your comments make me laugh, love ya ;)

The next chapter of this book is going to be what you call a PRIVATE CHAPTER. I'm not sure if you all know what that is, so I'll explain it. A private chapter can only be read if you are following the author of the book. (AKA me) There is a reason why it's private. I will not tell you why it is this way.

If you are already following me, this shouldn't affect you, but if you aren't I strongly urge you to so that you can read the next chapter when it is posted.

Thank you guys for your patience. Without further ado, here's the chapter you've all been waiting for!

POV: Johnny Orlando
DATE: 26 January 2026


"Mackenzie." I breathe, wrapping my arms around her weak frame and pulling our bodies as close together as possible. "Oh Kenz." I then rasp, voice stirring from deep within my throat.

She's whimpering, gasping, crying, and letting me bear all her weight. My hands run up and down her sides feverishly in an attempt to give her warmth. Despite her being soaked to the bone and saturated in cold water, I don't feel it. Our bodies are hot, reacting fully to each others feelings. She's home. She's safe. She's alive.

She needs me to feel loved, supported, at ease in her worst moments. I need her to complete me, to make me feel whole and well again after a day of terrors and insecurities.

A choked cry from her makes me clench my fists and a wave of intense desire sweeps my body. My knees become weak. Her hands grasp the back of my shirt, pulling it tight. Fresh tears fall from her eyes, cries escape her lips as she sobs.

I want to kiss her. I want to make her pain disappear. I want to trail my hands over her skin.

But she wouldn't want that now I tell myself. She's grieving, upset, traumatised.

"John." She whimpers, letting her eyelids flutter shut.

"Yes?" I choke out, heartbeat soaring.

"Don't leave me. Please don't let me go." She begs. Somehow it speaks more to me than a confession of love; it shows that in her most vulnerable and unguarded times, she trusts me to keep her safe.

"I could never." I tell her, awe-struck when I realise I'm crying too.

My hands move to her cheeks, clasping them loosely and rubbing away tears with the pads of my thumbs. She draws in a deep breath, leaning in closer. Our breaths intermingle when I duck my head down too. Carefully, I tuck stands of hair away from her eyes.

It's too much. I can't restrain myself.

Before I make a regretful action and actually kiss her, I grasp her hips firmly and lift her up. Reflexively, her legs wrap around my hips like how koalas cling to trees; tightly.

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