6 ⇝ the truth hurts

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» Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. «
~ Ambrose Bierce

In which Mackenzie breaks down.

Dedicated to: @fckjenzie because her comments are so funny! love you!

A/N ~ This information is so inappropriate, but you need to know it for this chapter I'm sorry. Most of you reading this will probably be dirty-minded anyway oops. In the last chapter, I mentioned bases. When in reference to kissing, they mean french, feel, finger, fuck. Thought you should know as it will be mentioned again and some people get confused.

POV: Johnny Orlando
DATE: 4 January 2026


As the day is dreary, with dark clouds looming ahead, Lauren and I decide to watch a few movies while her roommate is out. Yes, I'm not calling her by her name, and yes, I really can be that immature.

After ages of harmless bickering, we settle on the movie Spanglish. Lauren laughs when I tell her she sounds like she's talking Spanglish, and from there we can't stop laughing. The insult was stupid, and didn't even make sense, but I have to grab the back of her shirt to stop her from falling off the couch.

"Holy." She gasps, laughing and wiping tears out of her eyes. "You've gotten stronger."

I flex my muscles, and wink at her. "And better looking too."

She punches me on the shoulder, grinning. "Your modesty skills haven't gotten any better, have they?"

"What's modesty?" I ask, feigning innocence.

"It's this thing where you know that you're good looking, but you shut up because you're kind and you don't have a big ego." She retorts, getting up to turn on the TV.

When she comes back to sit on the couch, I drape a blanket around us and she leans into my shoulder. "Don't worry." I whisper mockingly. "You've gotten better looking too."

She chuckles, the hair in her face muffling her reply. "That's not how modesty works."

I swipe across her cheeks, pulling her hair back so she can see. "I know. I'm just telling the truth."

"Johnny Orlando, you are going to charm the pants off of your next girlfriend, I can tell."

A grin takes over my face, and disappears slowly.

She bumps my shoulder with hers, finally pressing play on the movie. "Don't be a perv, I know what you're thinking."

After only watching thirty seconds of the movie, she stops it, turning to me. "Johnny... are you gay? I mean, there's nothing wrong with being gay, but–"

My mouth drops open, colour probably scattering over my cheeks. "No!" I say firmly, shocked. "I'm not gay Lauren."

"Oh." She says, a sigh popping out of her mouth.

"Why?" I ask, the movie completely forgotten.

"People have been saying things. I mean, you haven't dated in so long John, since Mackenzie... people start to wonder."

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