8 ⇝ fancy seeing you here, ziegler

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» Anger builds nothing, but can destroy everything. «

In which Lauren tricks Jenzie .

Dedicated to: @smilingjenzie bc your funny and and a great reader ;)

A/N ~ Woot hoot go me it's my first day back at school :( Sorry if I'm not as active from now on my I will at try post at least once a week <3

POV: Mackenzie Ziegler
DATE: 7 January 2026


"Rise and shine Kenzie, it's time to face the day!" A voice chirps, bringing me out of the groggy sleeping-pills-induced haze I'm in. With a groan, I sit up, knowing it'll do me no good to disagree with Lauren at this hour. My sleep quality wasn't good anyway, thanks to the stupid nightmares I get– they force me to take pills to rid myself of them. Not that Lauren knows about this anyhow.

"Is He in the kitchen?" I ask, swinging legs out of my covers; they're plain white and embroidered with silver flowers.

"Nope. Johnny is having a shower." Lauren smiles sweetly.

"He has a name, and He can speak for himself." Yells a voice from outside my room. Next minute He steps into my doorway, one towel wrapped around his waist and another covering his hair, making him look like he's wearing a turban. Even though he looks good, okay– hot, I can't help the burning hatred that courses through me at the sight of him. I poke my tongue out, not being able to come up with a sufficient answer.

"Act your age, not your shoe size." He growls, having the audacity to lean against my doorway and shake out his wet hair.

"You know what Johnny?" I ask him, putting emphasis on his name.


"I really wish you would pull your lip over your head and swallow it sometimes." I smile sweetly, before getting up and shrugging on a cotton shirt that's baby blue. California does tend to get pretty hot at night, so most of the time I sleep in spandex and a bralette.

For once, Johnny seems at a loss for words. I shove past him in the doorway, digging in my shoulder, and hear Lauren snort.

"Mackenzie one, Johnny... zero." She chuckles.

I glance back over my shoulder, and I'm horrified to see Johnny throw one of his towels at Lauren.

You guess which one.


Work today is busy; very busy. I'm in a team meeting, planning the release for two of my new songs; The heart wants what it wants and Can't keep my hands to myself. We've decided a time (seven pm) and now we're busy scheduling the lyric videos on youtube. They'll go up at seven on the dot, as will two instagram pictures I'm going to post.

My team is now nervous for the hard hitting ballad The heart wants what it wants– we don't know how it's going to be perceived by the public. At the time of writing, I was still dating Brandon, so the song obviously sounds like it's made for Johnny. Now, as Brandon and I aren't together, it might seem like I'm pining for him– or people might realise the real reason we broke up; Johnny.

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