31 ⇝ the luckiest girl in the world

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» Be strong, because things will get better. It may be stormy now, but it never rains forever. «

In which time is an important concept.

Dedicated to: cherryjenzie ;)

A/N ~ Okay so if you haven't heard of the classic card game go fish you won't understand the start of this chapter at all haha. Watch this one minute video before reading if you don't know how to play the game.

Also, please listen to the song attached before reading. It will only take a few minutes extra and will make the experience more enjoyable <3

POV: Mackenzie Ziegler
DATE: 14th February 2026


"Go fish." I tell Johnny, looking down at my hand of cards.

Currently, it's raining, and we're still in hospital recovering after surgery. It's been two weeks of family visiting in the appropriate hours, boring card games and hushed conversations while nurses are around. Johnny and I both still have three weeks left to go in this horrible claustrophobia-causing room.

"Damn." Johnny smiles before twisting his lips in confusion. "Thought I had that one."

"You didn't." I grin back. "Do you have any fours?"

From his position, propped up against many pillows, he lets out a sigh. Biting his lip, he passes two cards with the number four on them. Another grin lights up on my face. He shakes his head in annoyance at me. I do a little boogie in my seat.

"I win, you lose, now you gotta big–" I proceed to slap him on the arm mockingly, "BRUISE!"

He smiles boyishly. "I sure thought you were going to say something very explicit then."

"Get your mind out of the gutter." I smile back, dropping all my cards. "This is boring. Everything in this room is boring. I am bored."

Recovery after surgery has been very humbling. I need help to do basic everyday tasks like walking and showering. I can't lift anything over 4 kilograms. I can't exercise until my wounds have healed. I have a nurse that helps me do everything from eating and drinking to walking to the bathroom. I'm only allowed to walk for an hour a day, max. No stairs. No running.

It's put life into perspective. When I gain full movement of my body, I will be forever grateful.

"Excuse me." Johnny says mockingly. "I am not boring– you said everything in this room was boring. I disagree. I am the life of the party."

"What party?" I snort.

He rolls his eyes. Conversation ceases between us until he asks me something a few minutes later.

"Do you even know the date today?"

I look over at him, giving him a hand to hold. A soft smile spreads my lips apart. He holds my hand in between his own. "It's valentines day, isn't it?"

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