4 ⇝ do you still love him

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» Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting another person to die. «
~ Buddha

In which Mackenzie needs to hold her tongue.

Dedicated to: WitheringMoonlight because I lover her writingggg x

A/N ~ I hurriedly wrote this this morning when I realised I owed you guys a new chapter– please point out any mistakes I've made !! And yes, this chapter was deleted by wattpad but it's back now... i'm so confused but at least I don't have to rewrite it !!

POV: Mackenzie Ziegler
DATE: 2 February 2026


I awake to the sounds of pots and pans crashing throughout the kitchen. Groaning, wrinkling my nose, and blinking heavily in an attempt to get my eyes accustomed to the glaring sunlight, I roll over to see Lauren by the stove.

"Morning Kenz!" She yells out. My mouth struggles to open.

"Morning." I manage to croak.

She chuckles, busying herself with whatever she's cooking.

Swallowing, I roll over again and glance at my reflection in the TV screen. I wish I could say that I'm one of those people that look great in the morning... but I'm not. At all. At the best of times, I honestly look like Gollum from Lord of the Rings. My hair always feels like a haystack too, and after taking a few deep breaths I wander off in the direction of a shower.

As always, the water calms down my raging hair and wipes away all traces of dust, sweat and dirt off my skin. After using my favourite apple scented shampoo (the kind that doesn't come cheap) and shaving my legs, I feel much, much better, and step out ready to face the day. I get dressed into some dark skinny jeans and an oversized hoodie– I only got a glimpse of todays weather out the window, but it doesn't look very nice.

Drying my hair with a hairdryer takes ages as usual, but as my hair has surpassed my shoulders and now hangs just over halfway down my back it's necessary. When it's dry, I french braid it, tucking it away in a bun at the nape of my neck. A few strands escape, but I only tuck them behind my ears instead of using bobby pins. To be completely honest, bobby pins are more trouble than they're worth.

After cleaning up the bathroom, I dump the towel I used in the laundry and head on over to where Lauren's cooking is. It smells sweet– my guess is pancakes.

"Feel better?" She asks in a way of greeting, and while sliding onto a stool at the breakfast bar, I nod.

"Much better."

"Do you want some pancakes?" She asks, smiling. "I'm almost up to cooking them."

"Of course I do. You're a very good cook." I grin.

She thanks me, and it's silent for a while, the sounds of Lauren cracking eggs and melting butter fill the room.

"Last night was fun Kenz. I've missed hanging out with you." She says after a while, looking up.

"It was! I'm sorry I've been a bit busy lately."

"Don't be." She smiles somberly.

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