14 ⇝ stop being a perv

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» Time will not heal everything but acceptance will heal everything. «

In which insults fly.

Dedicated to: kenziziegler , happy birthday bby. ily <3 xoxoxoxoxo

A/N ~ I love this woohoo

POV: Johnny Orlando
DATE: 15 January 2026


After I've pleaded with Lauren to let us out for along time, I finally accept (however grudgingly) that I'm going to be stuck with Mackenzie for a while. Three or four hours ago, I might have quite enjoyed myself being locked in a bathroom with her, but in light of recent events I've changed my mind. A lot.

I turn around, sighing in resignation and leaning my shoulders against the wall. Wearing only boxers, I feel almost naked standing her before her– especially with the look she's giving me.

"What." I spit. "You were the one that started this mess by shrinking my fucking clothes!"

"If I recall correctly Orlando, you were the one that declared the prank war, and I'm pretty sure you carried out your prank before me! So, actually, you started it." She hisses before flicking her hair off her shoulders. It makes a slapping sound when it hits her back.

She has a point.

I only roll my eyes, knowing that it infuriates her.

"Oh just keep rolling those eyes John, keep rolling those eyes. Maybe you'll find a brain back there someday."

"Mackenzie, shut up." I growl, eyeing her in her stupid towel.

She notices me looking and hoists it up. "Wow, comeback of the century. And stop being a perv."

"You're calling me a perv?" I shout. "Don't think I didn't notice you checking me out in my wet shirt before!"

She flushes horribly, and I know I've hit the spot. "You like abs huh?"

"Shut up Johnny, shut up!" She sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose and closing her eyes.

"Comeback of the century huh?" I tease her, flashing a very sarcastic grin when she opens her eyelids.

"So what if I was checking you out? Why do you care anyway?" She groans.

My heart races. "My body, my rules."

"Let me guess, you're rules are no 'checking you out?' Even know you've been doing it to me since that morning in the kitchen?"

Heartbeat intensifying once more, dread and reluctance seep throughout my body. We're about to have a serious conversation, and are powerless to stop it. Lauren is the glue that is holding us together and forcing us to bend against our will.

"I'm really sorry Kenz." I shock her with an apology.

"Fuck." She curses, interrupting my speech. "Can I at least be wearing something decent in this conversation so you can look at me?"

"Well I was trying not to–" I explain hurriedly.

"Trying not to look at my breasts John, I know. It's hard for me too." She scoffs sarcastically.

This remark pulls a choked laugh from me, but I look for some clothes all the same. Behind me, some hair straighteners have a lacy brassiere speared on the end. I pull up the straighteners from the cord.

"This?" I grin, and she snatches the bra away.

"Shut up. It'll have to do." She says.

I stare back at her, making rounds from her curvy hips to her long and elegant fingers, to her freckly nose and to her long, dark, dark hair. Her cheeks are definitely scattered with red when she tells me to close my eyes.

I do, and god is it hard. What I feel for her is confusing, but whatever it is intensified in her moments of modestly. I yell at her, I hate her, I'm nice to her, I like her.

When I'm told I can open my eyes, I drink her in like she's my early morning coffee, my drug, but in the same way she makes me sober up. She mumbles that it doesn't fit, that it's too tight, but it's the nicest thing I've ever seen her in.

This is when I realise I have fallen for her. Again.

"Right. Okay." I say throatily. "And uh– it's not horrible Kenz." I can't resist adding on the last part, but it comes out all wrong. A little crease appears in between her eyes, and her confused thanks is enough to send me spiralling. My heart almost feels like it's trying to fly out of my body.

"Back to the conversation?" She asks.

"Okay." I confirm. "I'm sorry for checking you out or whatever. You're my ex, my only girlfriend... I suppose I can't look at you in a platonic way anymore. I've tried to look at other girls, but I can't look at them the same way I look at you."

And you don't want to look at other girls A voice in my head says. God that's true, but I would never ever ever admit that. She hates you remember? The voice says again.

"Same here." She breathlessly laughs. "I never felt anything with Brandon in those last few days when you were there."

Relieved. That's what I am. She can't hate me.

"Where does this put us?" I ask fearfully. "Friends, roommates, crushes, best friends, lovers..."

"Nowhere. This conversation puts us nowhere, it makes my brain hurt, and frankly, I'm tired of thinking. Don't think John, just do." She sighs.

"Do me." I wink, easing the tension. She laughs loudly, we hug, and while her arms are around my neck and mine are joint together at her waist I whisper an apology to her and tell her where her bottle of shampoo is. Her eyes widen, she goes compliant in my hands and after murmuring a thank you she stretches on her toes to kiss my cheek.

I smile.

Progress made.


Hey hey hey I posted again today because of the goal I set yesterday <3 I hope you've all enjoyed these last few chapters– something big is going to happen next ;)

Also, if you want to get to know a little more about me duhitsorlando interviewed me which was really fun, and you can read the interview on her page.

If this gets 150 votes and 70 comments I'll post the prologue of The Professional Cuddler (TPC) tomorrow. Xoxoxox love you guys

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