After Her

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"I offered the girl everything," says Kylo. He's said it a hundred times since Snoke's death - since she refused to join him. 

His fingers scrub at his hair, unused to having the helmet off. He wants to put it back on. Everyone aboard the ship steps a little quicker when he wears it. It embodies the power he possesses, nearly unlimited levels of it since Snoke's death. Even in this simple choice, his mind is divided. He shouldn't need a mask to instill fear and obedience in his subordinates. He should put it back on just because Snoke told him to take it off. But the dead don't suffer from spite. She is the reason he keeps it off. He has always been acutely aware of the reactions of other people to him; sensitive to their criticism and their praise. She considers him a monster, whether the mask is on or off. But she looks at him differently when it's off. She is forced to see him as a person. 

For some reason, his offer was rejected. He thought for sure she would take his hand and join him. It's how his story ends. He saw it in the vision when his ungloved fingers brushed hers. Images as clear and solid as stone. They stand together, a united force, leading the galaxy. And she turns to him as they stand before a cheering crowd - and smiles. At him. She no longer sees him as a monster. He has no idea what transpired to get them to that eventuality, but he trusts it is true the way he trusts the spirit of his grandfather who guides him in all things. One way or another, she will end up with him, and they will rule the galaxy together. And she'll choose it. He thought his timing was right in asking her days ago. The seeds are planted. Now, he must wait. 

Hux approaches. The man has been quiet since Snoke's death. Since Kylo nearly killed him. It had taken an inordinate amount of willpower not to snap his scrawny neck. A man who so blatantly questions his superiors is a cancer and must be dealt with. Snoke thought to control Hux by manipulation. A man with so little regard for those more powerful than him cannot be managed in such a way. Eventually, he will rise up to take the throne. Kylo must decide how long to keep the maggot around. When his usefulness expires, he'll be vented out the closest airlock. For now, he has been tasked with locating the new rebel base and squelching their final death gasp of rebellion. That must be how the girl comes to him. 

"Supreme Leader," says Hux. "We have been unable to detect any communications between the rebels and their allies."

Kylo turns to face him. "You come to report failure?"

Hux's eyes narrow, but he quickly drops his gaze. "You requested frequent updates, sir. I felt it . . . unwise to delay, even in the face of undesirable news." 

Kylo wonders if there will ever be a time when he doesn't want to snap this weasel's neck. Slowly. Hux serves a purpose, though. He is an expert on First Order weapons, he has the utter devotion of the troops, and he is smart. Kylo grits his teeth.

"Dismissed. Don't return until you have something I can work with." 

"Supreme Leader," says Hux, "if I may be so bold." 


"You had a connection with the girl before," says Hux. "Perhaps it remains? Any information we can discover on their whereabouts can be used to further our efforts." 

"I'll consider it." 

Hux turns and leaves, his steps still a bit too quick for it to be natural. Hux interacted with him before because he was required to do so. None of the soldiers have ever said a word to him. Aside from Snoke, he is rarely spoken to. Now, he is even more alone. He considers it a weakness, to desire contact and conversation with others. The powerful are always set apart, distanced from normal relationships and human desires. 

But the girl isn't. She's with her precious rebels, surrounded by fools who allow her to follow them instead of thrusting her into a position of leadership and power. She could build a coalition of rebels that might have a chance to match the First Order, if only she would take her power and use it properly. But she's soft. She won't tolerate the loss of the people in her company. Her friends. The mask hid his facial expressions so well. Now he has to guard against the sneers and the glances that reveal his thoughts. Perhaps he should put it back on. 

He is rankled by her existence. She rises because he rises. And he cannot stop her. She has had so little training - no real teacher. And yet. She excels with her use of the Force at a staggeringly fast pace. Her weapons usage alone is unexplained. No one should have been able to learn that fast to wield a lightsaber. He should kill her and be done with it. Once she's gone, the last of the Jedi will be gone, and he will be free to do as he pleases. They only need to find the rebel stronghold and destroy the remnants. Including her. 

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