A Well Laid Trap

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I sit bolt up right, tugged out of a deep sleep. The Force. It's there again. Just a faint shadow, but I can feel it. I nudge Rey awake, and she squints at me. She's so soft and relaxed when she sleeps. I allow her to fully adjust, excitement feeding the fledgling Force energy. 

"What?" she grumbles. 

"I think he stopped drugging us. I think I can feel the Force again." 

She scrunches up her face, sits up, and stretches. "I can't." 

"You existed most of your life not knowing it was there. I've existed my entire life fully aware of what was inside of me. Remember our secret." 

After breakfast, a hologram of Carias appears in the center of the flat. Rey squeaks in surprise. He's in his tailored suit, his hair perfectly arranged. He actually has the gall to smile at us. 

"Good morning, Master Ren. Mistress Rey." He nods to us in turn. I've always found common street criminals more refreshing than wealthy professionals like Carias. You never can tell who they are until they strike, like well camouflaged vipers. 

"What do you want?" says Rey, crossing her arms tightly. 

Glorious anger blooms in her. I can't help it - I smile.  

"As I'm sure you know, I have begun to draw down your sedation dose. By tomorrow evening, you should have full control of your abilities again." 

A viper about to strike. I sense the danger, but I can't see where it's coming from. 

"Thank you, Lord Carias," says Rey, her tone honey sweet. "It will be much easier to kill you with our abilities restored." 

Carias laughs. I shoot Rey a stern look and she closes her mouth. 

"Before we talk business, I'd like to show you some of my more recent acquisitions. You are familiar with some of my larger creatures, but I think the smallest will interest you more. Step to the window, and observe."

Rey looks at me, and I nod. We might as well see what kind of game we're playing. Rey pulls the curtains back. The arena is brightly lit. Dark clad soldiers with readied blasters line the wall. In the center are a dozen young children. We look through our binoculars and for a moment I'm confused. Rey catches on quicker than I do.

"No," she whispers, and clutches my arm painfully.

"No more out loud if you can manage it."

"Ben. Look at them. Did you know there were so many?"

"So many what?" 

I still can't tell what she's looking at. She huffs in frustration. 

"Look at what they're doing." 

I hadn't given the children more than a passing glance, focusing instead on the guards and their arrangement. The children stand in lines. While most are turned away, two are faced our direction. They are balancing a dark, round rock in front of them, their faces twisted in concentration, their hands at their sides. I can't believe it. Hux requested that I assign a trio of Knights to hunt other Force users, positing that there must be more in the galaxy. The likelihood that the Resistance could create more Rey's didn't sit well with him. He was never comfortable with those more obviously gifted than him. The Knights hadn't found any others, though their mission had been cut short when Starkiller was destroyed. 

And then I see the well laid trap we are in. He can give us back our power. Carias knows Rey won't leave these children here to fight in the arena, to be trained and subverted by him. And he knows I won't leave her. 

"We have to get them out of here." 

I grit my teeth. It's not that I don't care if Carias keeps this little squad of budding Force users. I don't particularly want trained enemies in the future. It's just that I don't care all that much. Rey's obsession with protecting weaklings irritates me. Of course, staying in her good graces is certainly in my best interest, and Carias has pegged us exactly right. She's a sucker and I'm in love with her. Dammit. Suckers with usable leverage are so easily played. I've never had to deal with this before. 

We turn and face him. Rey is pale and shaking. 

"I'm going to kill him. I'm going to cut off his balls and shove them down his throat before I do." 

"We'll decide who gets that honor later. Don't make him suspicious that we can communicate," I say, laughing across the bond. A bit of tension leaves her.

"Why are you doing this?" asks Rey.

"Ah," says Carais, tapping his fingers together. "You are going to work off what you've cost me. You see, the two of you managed to destroy the vast majority of the First Order's fleet, including the newest ship, which would have garnered unimaginable returns on the investment. I sunk a large portion of my wealth into supporting that cause. I was guaranteed a trade monopoly on all First Order worlds. You have cost me dearly, and I intend to collect my pound of flesh. It was dearly bought, as you can see." 

We both just stand there, dumbstruck. I had no idea of this plan, but that doesn't surprise me. It's possible even Snoke didn't know about the political wranglings of the First Order. 

"For your information," continues Carias, "none of these little ones are closely related to you. I made sure to run your blood several times. One is a distant cousin of Rey's, though it's too soon to tell if she has the same kind of Force skill. As you can see, these younglings are very early in their use of the Force. They don't have the ability to protect themselves. Beginning tomorrow night, three of them will be in the arena as the final contenders. You can stand with them, or not, as you choose. I'll send a transport to retrieve you after dinner tomorrow. Make your decision by then." 

He blinks out, and we both just stand there gaping at the space where he was. I have to admit the beauty of this trap. I never spent much time scheming, preferring to rely on strength. Carias is a master. 

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