You Can't Hide

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Kylo stands on the bridge, staring at a data pad the trembling leftenant handed him as soon as he arrived. He's read the message five times. The crew casts him furtive looks, ready to bolt at the first hint of his rage. He crumbles the device in his hands, watching distractedly as shards of glass bite into his palms through his gloves. He's always been able to distance himself from physical pain. It's almost as if his awareness is hovering outside of his body, looking down on the damage with apathy. Perhaps the Force does this to him. He'll ask Rey when he sees her next if it happens to her. 

He was headed to get her some food when he was called to Command by the skittish leftenant. His fellows must have nominated him as their new leader. The ship is back in orbit of the rebel planet, ready to move at his command. Now he's dripping blood on the bridge and so enraged he can feel the veins in his eyes popping. 

"The First Order would like their ship back," he growls. 

No one responds. They all sit in silence, breaths held, waiting for him to act.

He drops the remains of the data pad on the floor. It hits the metal with a metallic thunk, pieces of glass and broken metal tinkling around his feet. 

"You are now under command of the Knights of Ren," says Kylo. "You will do as you are instructed. If you have a problem with your allegiance change, I would be glad to rejoin you with General Hux. Leftenant?" 

The man jerks to attention. "Sir?"

"Set a course for the Borderlands. We're going to return their ship." 

The pilots obey at once, punching they coordinates into the navigation system and making the proper measurements. 

"One more thing," says Kylo. "There is a Jedi on board at my invitation. If you so much as look at her, you're dead. She is just as powerful as I am, and I have given her permission to defend herself."

No one responds. They go back to their work. 

"Leftenant," says Kylo as he leaves the bridge, "a word." 

They step out together. "I want you to continue tracking those rebels. I want to know where they are as soon as possible. This isn't over."

"Yes, Sir!" The man rushes back into Command and the doors slide shut behind him. 

The emptiness of the corridor surrounds him, clinging to him like an old friend. He makes his way to the hanger and selects two droids to act as Rey's servants. He programs them himself. He can't trust anyone with her. They move to get her fresh clothing and food. He has other things to do. He returns to his quarters, strips off the ruined gloves, scrubs the blood from his hands, and dawns a new pair. The sting is soothing, a grounding point for him in the roil of his anger. 

He wants nothing more than to go to Rey, grab her, and claim her. No matter what she wants. But he can't. If she doesn't choose him, it won't matter. She has to give herself to him, of her own free will. He's offered many times. And he's finally getting close. But he suspects she still plays games. She's on some kind of conversion mission, and he's her target. 

He reaches out toward her, experimenting with how the bond has changed since they are in such close physical proximity. He can sort her out of the other living beings easily. He can still feel her. Focusing, pressing a bit at the connection. She's warm and comfortable. Clean. But she's not happy. She's anxious. He grits his teeth in frustration. 

He's missing something and he can't put his finger on it. It's there and then it slips just out of his reach. Why did she stay on that planet? Why did she send her friends to safety and remain when she was sure she'd die? He can't puzzle his way through this conundrum. Asking her point blank was a possible course, but he didn't think he could stomach her lying to him.

By now the droids have seen to her needs. He has one last stop to make before he returns to her. The ship drops out of hyperspace in the Borderlands, following the encrypted message the First Order relayed on where they were to report. Kylo returns to Command in time to hear his new leftenant fumbling through a vague explanation of why Hux isn't on the bridge. The First Order didn't waste any time questioning their whereabouts. They probably wonder why more planets haven't blown up in the past few days.

"Power up the weapon," says Kylo. He approaches the comm. "First Order, this is your Supreme Leader." 

"Ren," says the sniveling voice of General Takon. "Dock on the main landing pad. You're overdue. Where is Hux?"

"He's indisposed at the present," says Kylo. 

"We need to talk about your self-appointed position when you arrive," says Takon.

"Is that so, General?" says Kylo.

The General has made himself perfectly clear in the past that he does not approve of the use of the Force, nor does he approve of Kylo in any kind of leadership role in the First Order. He claimed it creates 'unavoidable conflicts of interest.' 

"I'll be waiting for you, Supreme Leader," says Takon, and disconnects.

Kylo bears his teeth, realizes the mask hides his expression, and gives himself a mental shake. 

When the weapon is fully charged, he stands at the fore, staring at the hope of the First Order. The majority of their fleet is presently docked in, a sign of their confidence that they can maintain control of the Core Worlds. They don't care about crushing the rebels - about crushing the traitor and the pilot who want Rey for their own. But they won't have long to care. 

"Deploy it," says Kylo. There's glee in his voice. "We wipe out the rebels next." 

In just a few heartbeats, the home base of the First Order is no more. The sub-hyperspace rip announces it's destruction to the galaxy. Everyone will know that the First Order is done. Their claimed planets will devolve into chaos. And he is the only power left in the galaxy. 

He turns from the bridge and stops short. Rey is just inside of Command, her hands balled into fists, her body shaking with rage. And tears, huge and hot, streak down her cheeks. Tears he caused. Something inside of him rips in that moment. She turns and runs, and he bolts after her.

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