John Doe?

19 0 0

September 14

"I got an anonymous text as well." Hayden stated as the group looked at one another, scared and confused.

"Same." Alana replied.

"I got two." Matt said.

"I got two as well." Stella looked at Matt as she pulled out her phone.

"One." Jill muttered.

"I got mine when we were in the car headed to the party. It just said 'See you soon, sweetie pie. xoxo.'" Alana said.

"Mine first came before you. Mine was when we were still in Jill's room. It said 'see you soon. xoxo. Then my second was at the party after Matt and said 'Sweet cheeks you really shouldn't be keeping him a secret from your friends. They're bound to find out very soon. xoxo.'" She read the last message off her phone and looked at her friends.

"Ethan got a text in the car. 'Hey E, Liars and cheaters make the worst friends. You really shouldn't trust them. xoxo.'" Hayden stated as Matt pulled his phone out.

"I got mine after I left the bedroom. It said 'Oh Bells, you think you're so sly. I know who your bed buddy is and soon your friends will too.''" Matt added.

"Mine was Tuesday at lunch when we were talking. It said 'Oh honey, if only you knew who was locking lips with Matt. Don't let those green eyes deceive you. xoxo.'" Hayden lied. She had cut out the part about Matt being the love of her life and his eyes being charming.

"My second came on Wednesday when I was waiting for Hayden after school. 'Be careful Matt, You don't know what you're getting yourself into. Better watch your back. xoxo.'" Matt said.

"What the fuck kind of sick game is this?" Stella snapped.

"I got my text and was hit seconds later." Jill mumbled.

"That's fucking psychotic. This person, whoever the fuck they are, need to rot in jail. We gotta go to the cops!" Matt snapped. As he finished his rant, all six of their phones rang. They all looked at their phones to see a message from the blocked number.

"Oh you little bitches." Stella began.

"You're angry, but you should be afraid." Alana continued.

"You've already seen what I'm capable of and I can do much worse." Hayden added.

"Be prepared." Ethan read.

"You don't know what's coming." Matt stated.

"We have to go to the cops." Hayden said. Hayden's phone vibrated in her hands. She looked down to see another text. None of the others got the text.

"What's it say?" Matt asked.

"Go to the cops if you want to be arrested. What I have on you all of you can put a few of you in jail." Hayden read.

"Holy shit." Stella stated. The others were speechless.

"What have we all done that could put us in jail?" Matt asked.

"Nothing that I know of." Ethan sighed.

"They could be taunting us." Hayden suggested.

"Well bitch accomplished that." Alana said.

"Bitch?" Ethan asked.

"What would you like to call this bitch that's taunting us? Hugs and kisses?" Alana asked.

"J. Doe." Matt said.

"J. Doe?" Stella asked.

"We don't know who they are. Could be a John Doe or a Jane Doe." Matt replied.

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