Stereo Heart

19 0 0

September 22

Jill sat on the bleachers in the gym watching as her team practice. She finally decided to take Lucille up on her suggestion of attending practice. Jill, of course, heard a sob story from her coach of how much she was missed and how sorry her coach was. Her team was sorry too. They gave her a card. Stella signed it last, saying it was dumb. Typical Stella. It humored Jill that Stella wrote 'They forced me to sign this and they're all watching me so I'm pretending to write about how much I love you but ya know I'm not like that so hey bitch, feel better.' Jill watched the practice sadly. She really, really missed volleyball. She was done for the season until summertime because of her injuries. What was she going to do with all the free time? Maybe she could take up a hobby. Or get a job. Maybe not a job since she couldn't really work. A hobby would be nice. Maybe photography. Or knitting.

"Jill you want a ride?" Jill turned to see Stella standing over her. Practice must've ended when she wasn't paying attention.

"Oh, yeah sure." Jill grabbed her crutches and stood up. She began to follow Stella out of the gym.

"So there's a party tonight but I'm not going. You wanna come over for a drink?" Stella asked.

"Dude are you drinking every night?" Jill asked.

"I drank last night. The last time I drank before that was, like, Sunday." Stella replied.

"Don't you think that's a problem? You're drinking a little too much." Jill said.

"No. I'm not gonna become an alcoholic, don't worry. Ash drinks more than me and she's fine." Stella countered. Jill shrugged.

"I could use a drink." Jill said.

"Thank god Stella bought two bottles of Merlot last night then." Stella grinned.

"Two?" Jill asked.

"Not all at once, jeez, if I'm sharing any bit with you I'm gonna need more for the next month." Stella said. Jill rolled her eyes.

"You're really showing your Scottish/Russian side now." Jill grinned.


Matt walked down the street from the party after dropping off the beer. He wasn't in the mood to drink, or be at the party. Jack did live down the road from Stella, so he wanted to stop by see her and finally talk to her. She couldn't hate him forever. Maybe just for a little while longer, but she had to be more mad at Hayden than him. Maybe she would forgive him because of what happened with Hayden as well.


Hayden walked into the crowded house and winced as the music blasted into her ears. This party was nothing like Ryan's. There were more people and they all already seemed to be wasted. She slowly walked through the house and looked around. She came to find Matt, to 'babysit' him, as he had called it. She had not seen anyone remotely familiar. Did any of these people even go to her school? Was she that invested in school that she didn't realize how many cute guys actually went to her school? Well, she did notice Matt, but he was her neighbor after all. The last cute guy she had talked to was Wesley, but Wesley was with Jill. Hayden walked through the kitchen and looped through the dining room and back to the main room. No sign of Matt.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Hayden Randall." Hayden turned to see Logan standing behind her, holding two red Solo cups.

"Logan! Hey, what're you doing here?" Logan asked.

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