Birthday Plans

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December 21

"Do you ever just like, wanna drop out of this stupid class?" Alana asked.

"I hate it so fucking badly. I used to like history but McLaughlin is so boring. I'd rather sit at church for three hours than go to his class." Jill replied as she looked at her history notes. The two girls might've not been in the same class, but they had the same teacher and learned the same lessons.

"Where the hell is Stella I'm starving." Alana groaned.

"She's Stella so she's probably with Kane." Jill scoffed.

"Yeah well I have a date later so she really needs to hurry back." Alana replied.

"Great. You all have boyfriends and I'm just here, alone, watching my sister get a boyfriend before me." Jill said.

"You had a boyfriend before her though. What about Giovanni? Haven't hooked up with him in a while, have you?" Alana asked. Hunter was fun the first time, but he was normally busy. Giovanni was Jill's second option.

"Hookups don't mean we're dating." Jill replied.

"Okay well if you want a boyfriend, try harder." Alana stated.

"It's hard to try when you don't have any options." Jill sighed.


"Alright so tomorrow we're going into the city and going to spend the whole day there and then we'll come home at like, four in the morning, and drink until the sun comes up." Kane grinned as he played with Stella's hair. She was supposed to be getting food and then going to study, but that wasn't gonna happen.

"Nope. We're not doing anything." Stella stated. She insisted on doing nothing. Her birthday fell on the three month anniversary of Hayden's disappearance. Not even Jill or Kane could convince her to do anything.

"Please?" Kane asked.

"I just wanna sit home and do nothing." Stella replied.

"Well, if you don't come to the city with me, you're gonna have to go to school." Kane stated.

"You're not my dad." Stella replied.

"Yes, but you can't skip school because it's your birthday." Kane said.

"Fine. Alright, now I really should get going. Alana gets irritable when she's hungry." Stella said as she climbed off of the bed. Kane grabbed her arm and she grinned as she turned and kissed him on the lips.

"I love you." Kane said.

"I love you too." Stella said, before crossing the apartment and walking out the front door. Alana was not gonna be happy.


"Matt." Ethan watched Matt as he downed a second bottle of beer. No response from Matt, just a grunt.

"Matt." Ethan spoke louder.

"Can you go get my wallet? It's in my jacket pocket." Matt said as he opened his dresser drawer.

"Matt!" Ethan folded his arms. Matt turned and looked at him.

"What?" Matt asked, taking a sip of his beer.

"You missed another session. Your parents are worried and so am I." Ethan stated.

"Oh shut the fuck up, shouldn't you be out sucking dick? Oh wait. You don't do that stuff. My bad." Matt slurred. Ethan had to take a deep breathe so he wouldn't feel the urge to beat the shit out of Matt for that comment. Matt pulled out a bag of bath salts from the drawer.

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