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September 16

Alana shivered as she climbed out of her mom's car.

"Call me when I should pick you up." Alana's mom said.

"I will." Alana said before shutting the car door. She began to button up her denim jacket lined with faux fur as she headed towards the coffee shop. She opened the door and stepped into the shop that was filled with the scent of coffee beans. Music played quietly over the loudspeaker. She looked around for Nolan and spotted him walking in the back door. He wore dark blue jeans, white adidas, a white tee shirt, and a black and white flannel. He smiled once he laid eyes on Alana. She smiled brightly back at him. The two walked towards each other and met in the middle of the shop near the lounge area.

"Hey Van Gogh." Nolan said.

"Van Gogh?" Alana raised an eyebrow.

"My favorite artist." Nolan grinned.

"Mine too." Alana replied.

"What's your favorite piece?" Nolan asked as he began walking to the counter. Alana followed beside him.

"Either Avenue of Poplars in Autumn or Congregation Leaving the Reformed Church in Nuenen. You?" Alana replied.

"The Starry Night I'm conventional." He grinned.

"It's a classic." She replied.

"How do you take your coffee?" Nolan asked.

"Black." Alana replied.

"Classic." Nolan grinned.


Ethan laid on his bed, staring at his ceiling trying to comprehend his thoughts. His thoughts kept traveling to the party, when he had three girls all over him. Two offered him blow jobs and one offered to hook up with him. He turned down the offers but the girls stayed with him. The girl giving him hickies made him uncomfortable, but he was also too uncomfortable to tell her to back off. For a while he had thought that he had no attraction to girls, but to guys. But that attraction was strictly romantic. He had no sexual attraction to any gender. He didn't know what this meant. If he was asexual, or gay. Quite possibly both.

"Ethan!" He turned his head to see his twin sister, Erin, standing in the doorway. Everyone could tell the two were twins without knowing their names. They're resemblances were striking. Same hair and eye color, same rectangular head shape and the same upturned nose and wide lips.

"What?" He said, sitting up.

"I've been calling your name for five minutes. Jesus, are you deaf?" Erin asked.

"Just thinking. What do you want?" He asked.

"Lunch is almost ready, Mr. Overachiever." Erin stated.

"Okay." Ethan stood up. She waited for one of Ethan's witty remarks that he always gave, but nothing.

"What's wrong?" Erin asked.

"Nothing." Ethan said as he opened his closet.

"Really because you didn't say 'It's King Overachiever' or something. What's wrong? Come on you can talk to me." Erin said. While she spoke, Ethan grabbed a hoodie off a hanger. He sighed and turned to Erin.

"I just have a lot on my mind." Ethan said before pulling the black Maplewood Mustangs hoodie over his head.

"Talk to me. Seriously, E, you can tell me anything and I'd never tell another soul." Erin said. He sighed, knowing his sister was right. He always trusted her more than some of his friends.

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