The Fraser Way

16 0 0

September 21

"Hey, so I'm having a party tomorrow night, since you don't have hockey, wanna come?" Jack McCulloch asked.

"Will there be weed?" Matt asked.

"Of course." Jack said.

"Yep." Matt replied.

"Cool. Cya man." Jack said before walking off. Matt would do anything to get away from drama. Or he would use it as an excuse to see Stella. Hayden was against him doing so.

"What was that about?" Hayden asked.

"I'm going to a party tomorrow night." Matt said.

"Alone? Be careful." Hayden said.

"I will, mom." Matt said as he bit into his pizza.

"I'm serious. I'll go with you." Hayden said.

"I don't need a babysitter." Matt replied.

"As a friend." Hayden responded.

"No." Matt stated. Hayden sighed, knowing she wouldn't be able to win a debate against Matt.


"Hey." Alana stood over Wesley's desk in English with his physics book in her hand. He looked up with her.

"Hey." He said.

"You left this at the coffee shop a few days ago. I would've given it back yesterday, but I forgot it at home. Sorry." Alana said.

"It's alright, I didn't need it yesterday. Thanks." He said as he took the book. Alana turned around and walked to her seat in the back. If that wasn't awkward enough, Hayden's stare from across the room made it even worse.


Matt laid on his bed with his algebra notebook, notes, and his textbook spread out in front of him. He hated everything about Algebra. His phone vibrated, but he didn't know where it was. He moved all the papers and found it. He saw a text from an unknown number. What did JD want now? He unlocked his phone and opened the text.

Hey, it's Jack. Would it be possible for you to go on a beer run before coming? My guy flaked on me.

At least it wasn't JD, but now he had to waste money on beer. He also had to find his fake ID. He closed his textbook and climbed off his bed. He knelt down beside his bed and began fishing around underneath it. His hands hit the cold, metal box where he kept a few items. He pulled the box out and opened it. In it were five fake IDs, three of which were his, one was Stella's old one, and one was Jill's old one, a container of bath salts he had for hockey, a small wooden box where he usually kept weed but had none, and a wad of cash. He grabbed the fake IDs and flipped through them. His old one was Geoffrey Johnson and he looked thirteen in the picture, but it was from when he was fifteen. His new one was Grayson McEnroy. He did look at least nineteen in his picture. He put the other IDs back and closed the box before sliding it under his bed. He only kept Stella and Jill's old IDs because they wanted to keep them but didn't want their parents or siblings to find them. Ash wouldn't rat out Stella, but Lucille would rat out Jill. He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and stuck the fake in it. He grabbed his keys off his dresser and quickly left his room. Anything would be better than Algebra homework, including buying beer for greedy bastards at a party.


Ethan turned the corner and continued running onto Bolton Boulevard, Alana's street. He assumed she was with Nolan, the mystery boy she was dating, but none of them knew until today. Of course, Hayden and Matt didn't know, since they sat at a different table yet again. Ethan was breathing heavily, but he kept going. He always went for runs around the town when he was stressed. He was stressed over his sexuality. He had music blasting in his ears, Dubstep of course, the only genre he liked. His phone vibrated in his hand and he slowed to a stop and looked at it. Anonymous text. JD back at it once again. He unlocked his phone and looked at the text.

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