Chapter 1 (Picture of Berry)

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Flying was a strange feeling. I soared through the sky as I clung to the broomstick. Somewhere in the distance a voice called out to me. It sounded rough and strangely familiar. I looked towards the source but couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from exactly. I continued my journey through the clouds when I heard another shout and before I knew it I was plummeting towards the ground. I shut my eyes tightly expecting to feel explosive pain shoot through my body but instead I felt nothing as my feet touched the ground. Crouching low I looked up at a set of approaching footsteps.

"Have you gone out of your mind? I swear that angel is a bad fucking example. I swear the next time I see him..." A man was fast approaching me and as he drew near I gasped slightly.

I knew exactly who he was.

"Dean Winchester?" I whispered.

He shrugged before he opened his mouth and began to belt out 'Shake it off' in an out of tune voice.

I was suddenly jolted awake by my mother who was glancing anxiously  between her watch and the map on the screen before her.

Glancing around I quickly came to my sense and realised with a growing feeling of dread that I was on a plane that was taking me across the Atlantic ocean and into the land of dreams or so they say. I was just envisioning reruns of Grease and Mean Girls.

Growing up in a small town back home in England I wasn't used to the big, glossy possibility that America presented. Not just any part of America but Houston, Texas. A place that couldn't be more of a literal juxtaposition of the small and rainy town of Mayfield. And it wasn't just the different weather, culture and people that had my nerves tingling with dread. There was also the prospect of going to high school - otherwise known to man as hell on earth.

I had watched one too many teen chick flicks and dramas to come to the conclusion that my high school experience would not be all sugar and peaches.

I snuggled as best as I could within my seat – which wasn't very comfortable considering we were going in economy – and hoped the plane would land soon so I could get away from both my mother and the stranger beside me who hadn't spared me  a glance since we'd boarded but had managed to upend his water all over my feet.


Back home in England my mother and I had lived in a small cottage in a small town called Mayfield. Despite the little space that was available to us we had managed just fine.

It wasn't until the day my mum found out that the newspaper company she was working for had been in debt for quite a while and was going to shut down, that she decided to leave Mayfield. At first I had been stunned that she would make such a decision. After all, this town held most of our memories and moving across the pond wasn't really the sort of risk my mother took.


As I stepped out of the taxi a gust of warm air hugged me, clinging to me like a blanket. I had to admit Texas was unbearably hot and a total polar opposite to rainy England. Instantly the nerves I had been feeling the past few months while me and my mum tied up all of our loose ends, sold our little cottage and said our teary farewells to the town of Mayfield came sprinting back in full force and I almost went back into the taxi behind me.

But something about the house before me made me pause. My eyes began to widen as I took in the magnificent building that was soon to be christened as my home. In all fairness it was probably any other average house to the neighbours but for a girl who had lived her entire life in a small two bedroom cottage it was pretty amazing.

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