Chapter 19

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C H A P T E R  19

Something was wrong. From the way his eyes grew dark and his face became impassive I could gather as much. Just what it was that was troubling him I did not know.

“Drew?” I spoke his name softly and placed my hand on his forearm wanting for the boy I knew to come back.

He seemed to regain consciousness with my touch and he shook the hair out of his eyes and turned to look at me.

“What happened?” I breathed out.

He didn’t answer at first and just when I was thinking that he wouldn’t answer at all he said:

“My father just sent me a telepathic message through our werewolf pack link saying we have some trouble. It’s nothing to worry about”

From the look on his face I knew it was everything to worry about. And did he just say something about telepathy.

“You are telepathic?” I whispered with wide eyes and he smiled half-heartedly at my awe.

“Yes, we can speak with our thoughts. I wish I could take you to my house and explain everything but this is an emergency. I need to take you home right now”

“Wait! What?” I gaped unable to say anything until I felt the shiver of his touch and realised he was tugging me out of the classroom and towards the school parking lot.

“What’s wrong?” I asked in earnest as I struggled to keep up with his pace.

“I can’t say anything now but I can’t leave you in the school. I won’t be able to go until I knew you were out of harm’s way…”

“Where are you going and why is it not safe in the school?” I cut in mid-sentence.

“Get in the car Amberry!” He growled instead of giving me a straight answer.

That I was not expecting. Scowling I refused to get inside the car door he was holding open. Putting my hands on my hips I glared back at him and watched with a pang of fear as his eyes narrowed.

“Don’t make me do it” He said and I couldn’t help the scoff that left me at his caveman-like behaviour.

It probably wasn’t the best thing to do to a pissed off werewolf and before I could say ‘domineering angry werewolf’ he had taken me up in his arms and tossed me into the seat. Feeling both shocked and frustrated I opened my mouth to shoot out whatever insult hit my tongue when he slammed the door shut and bounded around the car and slipped into the seat beside me.

“Don’t say a word…” He bit out as he revved up the engine and shot out of the school parking lot leaving a trail of horrified teachers glaring detentions into the back of his car.

Naturally I ignored his command.

“Are you alright?” I asked despite my anger.

Whatever his father had relayed to him must have been bad, very very bad.

He didn’t say anything and I slumped back into my seat, looking forlornly out the car at the trees and houses rushing past.

Suddenly, I felt a hand brushing against mine and as I looked down I found him deliberately touching my hand as it lay next to the gear stick. Glancing up I saw his eyes trained on the road. Noticing that his face was starting to soften again I let a smile peek onto my lips.

Within minutes we were at my house and I tumbled out of the car as he rushed me up the drive. Once we were inside he took hold of my shoulders and gripped them tightly as he kissed me quickly on my lips.

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