Chapter 6

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My mother woke me up bright and early the next morning and I moaned in annoyance as I trudged over to the bathroom. I tried to make up an excuse with the usual ‘I feel sick’ act but my mother could see right through me and she gave me a firm no. After having showered and dressed in a see through black button up shirt, a black tank top underneath and jeans I trudged downstairs and began to eat my way through the plate of waffles that had been kindly placed before me. My mother was the best; naturally.

“Don’t forget to call me if you need me. And take your phone to school Berry! I paid for it so you would use it when you needed help”

She lectured as she got ready for work. I nodded as my mouth was full of waffle and chose not to argue. Who would argue with anyone who had just made them waffles? Really delicious ones at that.

The pent up nerves that had been writhing in my stomach all through the night were beginning to multiply as I finished breakfast, grabbed my bag and headed out the door. My mother gave me a comforting hug before she set off in her car and I made my way to Jackson High school. Suddenly I wished I had accepted the ride she had offered me. As I rounded a corner I found myself in the direct path of no other than Drew. He came to a complete halt and I tried to move around him but he wouldn’t let me.

“What do you want?” I asked as I frowned at him.

He smiled – a mischievous, flirty smile – that had my insides buzzing. I hated it.

“I thought I would pick you up so we could go to school together” He stated and stared down at me with an innocent puppy dog expression. I stared back and for a second I had the strangest feeling as I lost myself in his eyes. It was as if I wanted to touch him – which was ridiculous since he always managed to irritate the shyness out of me.

I stepped away from him and began to walk the other way – back to my house. I felt slightly panicked as I glanced at my watch. I was going to be late.

He followed me, making sure to match my slow pace even though it might have been difficult considering he had mile long legs. Finding his presence incredibly annoying I began to sprint back towards the porch steps only to be caught around the waist by a set of strong arms. He picked me up with ease and began to carry me away from my house – away from safety.

“What are you doing?”

Panic was clear in my voice as he didn’t set me down on the ground. He simply continued to carry me awkwardly around the waist. I began to pull his arms away only for them to tighten. Writhing around I tried to escape his hold and earned a little groan from him.

Feeling incredibly vulnerable I bit my lip and closed my eyes.

“Please let me go”

I said softly and he set me down.

I turned to face him and I felt his arms fully release me as he observed my face.

“I am sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you” He said quickly as he reached for me but I stepped back, away from him and his touch.

“I just want you to leave me alone, okay?” I said looking up into his eyes.

I could see the conflict within them. The way he looked now made me feel guilty. I had made him feel so vulnerable, but so had he. He had stripped away my shell – the walls that I kept up against the rest of the world and I hated him for it. He was making me feel things I didn’t want to feel. I was strong and I would fight him if I needed to.

“You’re going to be late”

He said as he pulled out a set of keys from his jeans pocket.

“Will you at least let me drive you to school?”

He asked as he slid his fingers through his honey coloured hair. The action caught my attention, mesmerizing me momentarily. I opened my mouth to protest but the look on his face broke my heart and I nodded. I would regret it. I knew that much before I had even stepped into his flashy BMW. But I knew I would regret it more if I hadn’t accepted his offer.

The first thing I noted as I sat on the plush leather seats was that the whole car smelt of him.  It was pleasant and reminded me of the scent of a lazy afternoon spent in the sun. I took in a sharp breath at the same time as he did and I smiled at him.

“You smell nice” He said, a faint tint of red made its way onto his cheeks.

My smile grew as I watched him blush. He smiled back before clearing his throat and turning on the ignition. I focused my attention on the window which suddenly seemed very interesting. The awkward silence seemed to subside as Drew turned on the radio. Radioactive by Imagine Dragons began to play and I bit my lip stopping a smile.

“Is it strange that I haven’t yet introduced myself to you?” He asked as he manoeuvred the car around a corner.

“Slightly” I answered.

“Well, I am Drew. Drew Salisbury”

“I’ve heard”

“From my pesky little brother I suppose?”

He said and I frowned in confusion.

“Victor – he’s my twin brother. I bet he has told you all sorts of things about me”
He said.

“Wait – Victor is you brother?” I asked, startled.

Drew nodded and I sunk deeper into the leather seat. Only I would be so stupid as to not realise. Now that I thought about it, they did look quite similar.

“But that means Lucy is your younger sister”


He hummed as he sang the song we were listening to.

“I am glad you met half of my family already Berry. It makes it so much easier than having to introduce you to them”
Drew said enigmatically and once again another question popped out of my mouth.

“Why would you need to introduce me to your family?”

He didn’t answer the question but instead made the car come to a halt and turned to face me. He placed a hand on my cheek making my skin burst with goosebumps and leaned close until his lips were a few inches away from mine.

“We’re here” He said before opening his door and exiting. I was left open mouthed and feeling foolish.


I almost made them kiss in this chapter but I was like no way would Berry kiss him so soon.

RRD xx

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