13 - Merry Christmas...Mom...

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It's cold

Yet again

And I can't feel the wind against my skin

Or hear the whistle of the air

I don't get any of that

For I am a Rapunzel

Trapped in my tower

No way out

Scared to leave

Waiting for someone to rescue me


Somehow I knew

No one was gonna save me

But I can hope

Everyone else is asleep

Except me

I am resting by my window

Sitting on the edge of it

Staring outside

The window is still locked

But I've managed to find a way to open it

And then lock it again

But I've decided to keep it closed right now

The view through the window isn't as good as if it were open

But I'll take it

The safe house looks quiet

But I know it's not

Most lights are off

But I know they aren't asleep

I smile at the thought of living in that house

It would feel nice

But I know that thought

Will stay only in my mind

I don't work miracles

I looked down at my phone

Turning it on

I watched the numbers change from




Merry Christmas Mom

I sighed

Putting my phone down

And climbing away from the window

And climbing into my bed

I knew I wouldn't sleep

But it was worth the attempt

I slowly drifted off

My eyes fluttering shut

When I heard something crash against my window

It felt loud to me

But I knew I was the only one who heard it

I suspiciously and quickly rushed to the window

Looking at the roof

Right in front of the window

Was a Frisbee

Not my Frisbee

A new one

Dark blue

With a ribbon on top

Red and shiny

And a note

I was confused

I looked at the safe house

To see Colby standing there

His hands stuffed in his pockets

And a bright smile on his face

I quickly managed to open the window

Crawling out and grabbing the Frisbee

I took off the note

Opening it up

'Merry Christmas! -CJ'

I was still shocked

I looked over at the safe house again

Only to see the back door closing

Colby was gone

I smiled


Merry Christmas Colby

I smiled

I'm not good at smiling

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