27 - Prepare Yourselves

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Colby goes back to his normal face

The rest of the group allows Tarron and I in

We stand with them

And I know both Tarron and I

Feel protected

Colby opens the door

No hesitation this time

He casually opens it up

On the other side

Are the same police men

From the last time

How ironic?

They glance once at Colby

And then back to Tarron and I

And sigh

"I don't know what's gotten into you, son. But, this just ain't right." The officer shakes his head

And both push further in

Pete following

My assumptions are that Kate will come in later

The officers look around

Looking at everyone

To analyze the scene

He turns to Colby

"You have a restraining order." He reminds him

"And you have two little boys that are in the wrong hands." Colby snaps back

The officer is more confused than offended by the comment

I can't blame him

"Yeah, I can see that." The officer responded

Motioning towards everyone who lived in the Safe House

"You know what I meant." Colby's voice softened 

So did his eyes

The officer sighed once again


"I'm not your son." Colby interrupted him

The officer took a second to restart

"Cole? Right?" He asked

"Colby." Colby narrowed his eyes

"Colby," The officer said, "We can talk about what you think you know when we get these boys back home."

"Answer me this, Officer. What is the purpose of a home?" Colby asked

This confused all of us

Even the two officers

Perhaps even Colby himself

"Shelter." The officer replied proudly

"Couldn't you say, safety?" Colby asked

"Of course." The officer nodded

"Then why are you taking them back?" 

The room went silent

Colby was getting his point across

And everyone knew he was serious

I've never seen him like this

I'm not sure if his friends have

But this is new

"Sir, this boy is crazy! He has no idea what he's talking about!" Pete stated

The officer snapped back

"Alright, alright!" The other one cleared the room of thoughts, "We just came here because we got a call that Mr. Ross had lost his son and suspected he had been abducted. Ironic enough, we find the boy with you." The second officer sent glances at Colby 

He send some back

"I wasn't abducted." I blurt out

I don't think

I just say it

I can see the fire burning in Pete's eye

And I regret it

I regret everything

I regret living

"Listen, Sir. There is a reasonable explanation for all of this, just please give us time to explain." Colby offered

He was trying to be mature

"Sorry bud. Can't do that to the point. According to law, I've gotta take you in. But, I promise you can start talking when we get to the station." The officer told Colby

Everyone's face dropped

As we stared

He can't arrest Colby! 

That's impossible!

Stuff like this only happens in movies!

Not to us!

"Wha-What?! You can't-" Colby started to protest

"Turn around please, hands behind your back." The officer said

He started walking over to Colby

Taking the handcuffs out of his pocket

"This is bull. Freaking bull." Colby shook his head

He complied

He turned around and held his hands behind his back

"You have the right to remain silent. What you say can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to a lawyer and to have that lawyer present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you if you so desire." The officer spoke of his Miranda Rights

No one moves

As we heard those two sounds




Colby was now


Locked in


We related far too much Colby Brock


I am good at being helpless

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