22 - Danger

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I had said it

It came out of my mouth

And now I couldn't take it back

Even if I wanted to

I couldn't

Did I want to?

I wasn't sure

I guess I'll find out soon enough

I look at Colby sincerely when I say this

My eyes glossed over with a heart that's felt

He stares continuously

Confused and hurt

Hurt for himself?

Or for me?

I couldn't tell

He doesn't change anything about himself as he speaks

"What do you mean you're not safe at home?" He wants clarification

I don't blame him

I would too

"I'm just...not safe there." I mumble out

Colby closes his eyes softly

And doesn't move

He sighs out


"I was afraid so..." He said

He had suspicions?

Did his friends?

Is he observant?

Or is it that obvious?

Which one was it?

I'm assuming he's observant

Since the Police didn't do anything

I am thankful for his observation skills

"I-I'm sorry." Colby stuttered with shock as kept his eyes on me

I didn't move either

"It's Ok. You didn't do anything..." I ramble on

"No, it's not Ok. I...I messed up. I'm sorry." He looked at me

That look

I could see it

There was fragments 

Of his broken look

Hiding behind his eyes

But this new look

Seemed to have been the culprit

That broke down his old one

The one that hurt him

But it was still there

Lingering around

"Well, now you know, so things won't be like that anymore." I stated

Sure of it

Was I?

"I can make sure of that." He adds on

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask


I'm scared

God I'm always scared

"It means we're gonna tell someone." Colby jumps onto my thought process


No no no

This was not what I had planned


Not Ok

I am not  Ok with this!

"You can't!" I yelled at him

He is taken back

"Why not?" He asks

First off

There's the fact that they'll take away Tarron

We will be separated

I can't be separated from Tarron

I need Tarron

Tarron needs me

Not to mention the fact that Pete has friends in the police

Who have helped him get away with this

And Kate is just such a good actor

No one is going to believe us

They didn't before...

"We just- We can't." I stutter along

"Nate, I need you to explain-"

Colby was about to finish his sentence

So close too

I hated when things like this happened

He was interrupted

It was a knock

Such a loud knock

It rang through the house

Must have woken up the roommates too

It had to wake them up

It was so loud

A loud knock

A knock only an authority 

Would use

That strong knock

Only someone who NEEDED to get in

Would use it

Someone who felt like someone in here

Was in danger

I'm good at being in danger...

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