29 - Where's My Brother?

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I'm back, for now. I still haven't decided if I'm going to post once a week now for this story or continue with regular schedule, but do expect some sort of update to the story at the very least once a week.


When I finally came to

It was bright

There was a bright light above me

And I was sure

I was sure that I was dying

Or dead

Finally  I thought

But I was wrong

Because I soon adjusted to the light

Only to find it be a ceiling light

Lighting up the room

I closed my eyes and sighed for a moment



Where was I?

The questions suddenly popped into my head

I opened my eyes faster

And looked around

It didn't take long to figure it out

The IV drip

The heart monitor

The Doctor smell

The overly cleaned room

The blue and white everywhere

I was in a hospital

And my only thought was

"Where's Tarron?"

I searched around my bed 

In search for that one remote

Until I finally found it

The remote with the red button that said, "Call"

I pushed it multiple times

Quickly breathing as I did so

I just kept clicking it

The noise filling the air

Until the door came crashing open

With Doctor's and worried looks

Even though I saw them rush in

I continued to click the button

I don't know why

I just felt like I needed help

And that button would help me

But I was in search for a different type of help

"Hey, hey, hey. Calm down. Shh." One of the male doctors told me

He and a female doctor were checking my vitals

All the machines

And all my stats

I couldn't help but watch

The panic still flowing over me

He continued to check on me

And calm me down

Both working quickly

He soon focused his attention on me

"Alright, can you tell me your name?" He asked

"Nate...Miller..." I said

My mouth wide open

So were my eyes

"Good, good. Can you tell me what year it is, Nate?" The Doctor asked

"2018..." I reply quietly

I start to dart my eyes around the room

No longer paying attention to his facial expressions

They're not as helpful

"Good, Nate can you tell me where you are?" He asked me

"In a Hospital." I said

He considered my answer suitable

He nodded to the female Nurse

And the both shared a glance

I took my chances

"Where's my brother? I wanna know where my brother is." I said quickly

"Tarron?" He asked and I nodded, "He's fine. Don't worry. He wasn't injured."

"Where is he? Where did you put him?" I ask once again

The two share glances again

As if they're asking each other what I should know

And what's too soon

The both turn to me

Giving my a sympathetic look

And delay on the answer to my question

I'm good at delaying things

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