37 - Order In The Court

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I just had a tenotomy (type of surgery) today! Legit a few hours ago! XD Wish me luck that it worked, guys!

- Chris

I don't think I could find any kid that's fond of court rooms

The stiff clothing I'm forced to wear tightens around my skin and makes it uncomfortable to move

I'm constantly readjusting to find a comfortable position

But nothing works

All the professional people scare me

I don't like them

All the wood and polish makes me feel off

It was just so off point and weird

I guess that's a normal feeling

I'm brought out of my daze when I hear my name

"...-Nate Miller to the stand." Someone says

My eyes bulge wide open as I rush to stand up

I'm awkwardly walking over to the stand

As I make my way up the steps and in to the seat I shiver

All the eyes on me

All the lights

I hated the attention

But as I focused closer in on the crowd

I could see a little boy in the first row

He also looked formally dressed

His hearing aids bright and proud


I calmed down and listened to the questions

"Due to reference for the state court, please state your full name and birth date." A tall lingering man said to me

I gulped the lump in my dry throat and spoke into the mic

"Corbette Nathaniel Miller. Uh, June 27th, 2003." I said out loud

I still wasn't fond of others knowing my first name

But now wasn't the time

"Alright, Nate, do you know why you're here?" He asked me

"Objection!" A man on the other side of the room called out

The man next to me gave a look to  the other man and he rolled his eyes

"Withdrawn." He mumbles

The annoyance beyond obvious

"Nate, do you enjoy living with Peter and Katelyn Ross?" The man asked me

I hesitated

I could see in the corner of the room was Pete and Kate


I was terrified

I rubbed my neck

Feeling the spot Pete had gripped so tightly 

Reminding me of that night

I didn't want another night like that

"No." I said

My head reminded me that in that night

I said the same thing

Saying that word got me here

And damnit 

It was going to get me out

"Can you tell me why you don't feel safe?" The man asked

This was my moment

The only moment I had

I had this option multiple times with Colby

But never took it

I was going to grasp it tightly now

"They say things to me that hurt me. Scare me. Sometimes they hit me." I said

My voice is shakey

My eyes darting from the man to Pete and Kate

I can feel myself sweating as I say those words

 Expecting the two to rush up and beat me up

Right in front of everyone

And no one would do a thing

Like before

"What kind of things would they say to you?" The man asked

There was no going back now

I was going all out

I opened my mouth

Ready to spill it all out

I prepared for this moment


I'm not good at being prepared

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