1. [weekend]

713 32 38

Teala's POV

I fucking hate mornings.

It doesn't even matter that I'm waking up on a Saturday. Mornings always ruin the incredible sleep I was having. If it were up to me, I wouldn't let the sun rise until 12, at least.

But guess where this story starts? In the morning. Which I hate with all of my heart. Why? Because I'm cliche. Plus, this story wouldn't make sense if I start it in the afternoon, or even in the evening. Too much happens.

I'm currently laying on my side in my bed, just staring at the wall. Like that's not sad or anything.

When I first wake up, I don't go and converse with my parents or my little brother. Not because I'm an asshole, well, I am. But because it takes me a while to mentally prepare for my day.

I don't have the darkest past, not nearly as bad as what other people go through. But, I do have history that I involuntarily remind myself of everyday.

So in this time that I lay awake, staring at the wall, I push my thoughts down and tell myself to put on a smile. I don't want to be around others with a contagious feeling of sadness. I'd rather be the really goofy girl I am and make people laugh, ya know?

I don't like to let people know I have baggage.

I quickly sit up in my bed as I realize the house is completely silent. Normally at this time, my whole family would be up, doing something to make noise.

"Mama?" I yell out. I wait a few seconds before not hearing a response.

I turn to my side table and grab my phone. The time reads 10:37. I scroll through the several notifications I have from several friends.


Just fucking kidding.

The only notifications I get are from Instagram live videos and Facebook bugging me about people updating their status; which is quite sad if you ask me.

So what I don't have TONS of friends? I have a few and I'm actually very content with that.

I see a message from my mom that read, "we went to the store, should be back soon."

You know you're at an all time low when your own family doesn't even ask you to come to the store. Though, I don't blame them. It could've gotten ugly.

I set my phone down and flop back onto my bed before letting out a sigh. How I hate mornings.

I hear Cupcakke's voice sing "HUMP ME! FUCK ME!", and I instantly know who the message is from. I faintly smile as I pick up my phone and see that my assumption was correct.


Hey, wanna do something today?

As if I'd wanna hang out with you.

Come on! You know you love me.

Do I tho?


I smile and leave him on read as I stand from my bed, stretching a little. I pull my shorts out of my butt as it feel extremely uncomfortable.

I grab a towel and my phone before leaving my room, walking down the hall to my bathroom I share with only my brother.

It's not the cleanest bathroom you will ever see, but it's good enough for me.

Heartbeat // Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now