13. [hey, remember?]

308 19 50

Teala's POV

Dammit. God fucking damnit.

No, no, no.

This-this can't even be happening right now.

"Please tell me he's not dead." I say lowly, looking to the floor.

I was pulled out of the middle of class to go to the main office, something about it being a family emergency.

"He hasn't passed, Teala. But, the doctors are saying that his heart is so weak that they have to keep him on breathing machines at all times. He can't get up, he can't wake up. They're putting him in a medical induced coma, so they can find the cause and fix him before it's too late," I hear the principal say.

Why is the principal telling me? Where the fuck is my mom?

"Where's my, where's my parents?" I say, my chest feeling heavy from all the news I've just received.

"They are at the hospital. They aren't doing very well. They also wanted me to tell you that they aren't going to be home for a little. The hospital is transferring him to a special hospital two hours away from here."

Is it that serious? And my own fucking parents couldn't even bother to say goodbye and tell me this information in person?!

"Where's Noah now?"

"He should be on his way to the new hospital."

I stand from the chair in the office and begin to walk out.

"Teala wai-"

"Thank you, Mr. Asshelmet." I say quietly as I close the door to the office.

My footsteps are quick as I sprint down the hall, looking to find Grayson's class.

A million thoughts run through my mind.

That day I was playing video games with Noah could be the last time I ever play video games with him. The last time I'll see him smile, and the last time I can see him be himself.

The last fucking time.

And, my parents didn't even bother to tell me. I don't even know the name of the hospital they went to! So now, I can't even see him again. And I don't know if I'll be able to see him again.

I eventually stop running, the tears in my eyes prohibiting my ability to see.

I sob as I put my head against a random locker.

"T?" I hear a voice call.

It isn't Grayson's, but Ethan's.

I hear his footsteps come close to me before pulling me into a tight hug, slowly rocking me back and forth.

"What happened?"

"They don't know if Noah's gonna make it," I barely squeak out.

Ethan squeezes me harder as I cry in his chest.

Shushing me, he doesn't forget to reassure me.

"He'll be okay," He says. But is he actually going to be okay?

Because I don't want false hope.

I don't want to hope that he will live if he isn't going to.

I don't like being lied to.

Quick sobs leave my mouth and Ethan rubs my back.

"Teala, listen to me." He says pulling me back and becoming eye level with me. "I need you to calm down okay? Noah is going to be fine. More than fine. He'll be great, okay?" Ethan states, his eyes not leaving mine for anytime at all.

Heartbeat // Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now