25. [chocolate milk]

193 14 4

Teala's POV

"I'm too cool for school," I mumble, straddling Grayson's lap and looking into his tired eyes. His hair was a little bit messy and he was shirtless, and I can't say that I'm not in love with how he's looking.

"It's a half day today! Let's just get through it and we can come back here and crash," he replies, intertwining our fingers and kissing the back of my hand.

He did have a point. We would only be at school for about three hours, so there would really be no point in staying home.

I exhale deeply before looking down to Gray again, slightly grinning at his company. If I am not in love with this boy, then my whole life is a lie.

"Hey before I sleep in for a little longer, you wouldn't happen to have any of my clothes over here, would you?"

I ponder. "I have your black sweatshirt and your gray sweatpants I think."

He nods, closing his eyes and pulling me back to the side of him. "We have two hours until school, rest with me."

I snuggle into his chest and examine his face that was slowly drifting back off into sleep. Leaning up, I peck his lips, not letting any air escape from my mouth due to morning breath.

Grayson smiles and rubs his nose against mine, making me giggle. "I love you."

"I love you too."


"Hey Teala," Kara greets, coming to sit at mine and the twins' table at lunch. Although they really had more friends, the twins sat with me at lunch. Not out of pity, but simply because their other friends have different lunches. I really like to keep my circle small, so talking to other girls isn't really a need for me. I have a few other friends, and I'm completely fine with that.


"I'm having a pool party tonight at mine, and I wanted to see if you wanted to come. I mean, y'all can come too," she explains, gesturing to Ethan and Grayson.

I think about this for a second. I don't really go to parties anymore. I'm not exactly sure why because the atmosphere at any type of party gives me a warm rush filled with adrenaline. So, why the fuck not? I mean, this is Kara's party, so nothing bad would go down. She's pretty chill.

I shrug and smile. "Okay," I reply grinning.

She returns the smile and stands from the table. "Starts at 9!" She calls out before walking back to her table with Taylor and Jaden.

Ew. Taylor.

"Little miss social butterfly is finally getting into good spirits," Ethan says turning to me and smiling.

"I haven't had a good time in a while! I wanna get wasted. Sounds... fun."

Grayson's face scrunches up. "Fun?"

I hum while taking a sip from my chocolate milk. But to my surprise, the tiny ass carton is empty.


I turn to Grayson who had been sitting next to me the whole time.

"I drank all of mine and yours just looked really good!" He admits, throwing his hands up in surrender.

My palm smacks my forehead. "Grayson, you can't just, take somebody's chocolate milk without asking. That's like, sneezing on a baby," I thoroughly explain.

"Yes mommy, I won't do it again."

I burst out laughing at his nickname for me, and so does Ethan. "You guys are cute. And lame."

I look at him in disgust. "No, just cute."

Grayson goes to eat his last french fry and a brilliant idea pops into my head. I pull my phone out. "Ethan, take a couple goals picture of us!"

He furrows his eyebrows. "Okay...?"

He opens the camera and I stick a french fry into my mouth. "Bite the other half," I say with it still between my teeth.

Grayson chuckles lightly and bites on the other end, smiling towards me with his eyes closed. I do the same, and Ethan snaps a few pictures.

I look back through them and smile, actually content with my potato self next to fucking sex on legs. "Okay so maybe not goals, but it's still really cute."

I laugh, agreeing. "Unless people just want to have someone they can get hella fat with off of some stale ass school fries."

Grayson shrugs. "I mean, I wouldn't mind that," he says taking a french fry from my tray. I look at him, offended.

"Grayson, we've been over this!"

He giggles, still chewing the french fry.

"Don't steal food from my tray, you asshole!"


"Home at last!" I exclaim, flopping onto the cool material of the couch. Grayson follows me in the house and closes the door. It's about 12:45, so we still had a lot of time before the party.

"Whatchu wanna do?"

I hum, thinking. "Fuck?"

Grayson giggles. "No! We've been over this!" He exclaims mocking me.

"I'm sick of you Grayson. YOU'RE LITERALLY ALWAYS HORNY!"

"Yeah well, my peepee is satisfied at the moment."

"From what, your hand?" I ask giggling.

He rolls his eyes. "Duh!"

My face completely changes and I die laughing on the couch. "You be jerking that thing don't ya Gray?"

He laughs along with me before shaking his head. "I'm kidding."

I hum and lean my head against his shoulder. "Maybe the mall? I want an Auntie Anne's pretzel to be fucking honest."



Filler but, kinda cute maybe? Eh. WHOT DA FOOK AM I DUING WIT ME LYFE?

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I'll see y'all in the next one!

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