11. [cramps]

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Teala's POV

I've only been up for ten minutes, and I'm already pissed.

I woke up to the worst headache and cramps I think I've ever had in my life.

I didn't have any of the pads that I actually like, so I had to use my mama's brick pads.


I splash my face with cold water as I look into the mirror.

Today's gonna be a good day. You're gonna go out with Gray and have fun. Don't let this morning affect the rest of your day.


"Get out of my fucking way," I grumble, pushing past people just standing in the hallway.

I know I said I was gonna have a good day, but boy was I SADLY mistaken.

After the whole period disaster, I couldn't find an outfit to wear, then my fucking hair decided to play twister overnight so now that looks like shit, and then my car died.


"Hey Teala," I hear Grayson say as he comes behind me.

I open my locker, not answering. Not because I didn't want to talk to him, but because I didn't feel like responding.

"T," He says tapping my shoulder.

"What?" I say sharply, facing him.

His brows furrow. "What's wrong?"

My head pounds harder as the late bell rings.

"You don't have any Advil do you?"

"I do, but what-"

"Can you go get it for me?"


"Thanks," I mumble, turning back to my locker.

Grayson stands for a few seconds before walking off to his locker.

Why does Grayson out of all people have Advil?

I shake it off and grab my English book, that being my first period class.

Ha. First period class.

I'm hilarious.

I walk off down the hall to Grayson's locker.

He turns around with a smile, handing me the bottle of painkillers. "Here ya go!"

"Thanks," I say opening the bottle.

"Do you need any-" he asks as I swallow two pills. He furrows his brows. "water?"

"Nope." I say walking away from him, down the hall to my class.

I see Taylor standing at her locker, talking on the phone. The urgency in her voice made her sound angry, or upset even.

But I didn't stop walking down the hallway. I ain't comforting her fake ass.

As I'm about to turn a corner, she calls after me. "T!"

I sigh, before turning around. "What?"

"Can you come here please, I need your help."

"Is it tips on how to suck your best friend's ex's dick? Cause if so, can't really help. I'm not good in the hoe department," I say blankly, holding my binder to my chest.

Taylor's eyebrows furrow. "What?"

"See ya around!" I say cheerfully. "Fucking bitch."

I know I know, as I've said before: I'm an asshole. And honestly, I couldn't even care less. Not today. I don't have the time for this bullshit.

Heartbeat // Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now