28. [let loose <pt. 2>]

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Teala's POV

Monday morning...

I haven't done this shit in a while, but I'm staring at my wall again. I don't know exactly why my brain hasn't been in it's normal routine of mourning in the morning, but Friday night just really set me back.

Not to mention, I got some horrible news about Noah last night. Apparently, if he doesn't get a heart doner soon, he's not going to live long. Woo-hoo. I could potentially be losing my brother now, so that's fun.

I have nothing left for Grayson. Not after what he did. And it's funny really, because Friday was the day I gave Grayson all of the trust I could possibly give and he lost it. Shredded it into pieces. Crushed it up and stomped on it.

I haven't talked to Ethan or Grayson, they decided not to be concerned about me until Saturday despite the incident occurring the night before. And I shouldn't have anything against Ethan, really. But I haven't spoken to anyone. I've hermited myself into this room and have barely left it this whole weekend.

I really did contemplate not going to school today, but I've already skipped enough days. I don't exactly have a choice but to go.

It's 8 o'clock now, and school starts in 15 minutes.

Unbothered to do much with my appearance, I through on some sweatpants and a sweatshirt, wanting to cover as much of my skin as possible. I throw my hair up into a lazy pony tail and slip on my black low top Vans.

When I drive my car to school today, I don't admire how much I love my car. After all, it is just another car, right? And despite it being 40 degrees outside, I'm not even bothered to turn the heater on to warm my cold and brittle fingers.

I finally arrive at school, just about 5 minutes before the bell is actually supposed to ring.

Walking into the school and towards my locker, I get several stares. I'm not that surprised, I mean, look at me. I'm a mess. But this is just unusual. Not a single student goes without giving me at least something as little as a side eye.

As I'm about to turn the corner to go down the hall with my locker, I turn around to all of the people I had passed, feeling wandering eyes watching me walk. "What the hell are y'all staring at?"

Some laugh, and some smirk. I roll my eyes and continue my journey to my locker.

Finally reaching my locker, I push my backpack into my locker and get my stuff out that I need for first period. As I close my locker, Mason and Dylan stand before me.

I roll my eyes trying to leave, but I'm blocked. "Screwing with my friends now, huh?"

I furrow my eyebrows. Is this why everyone was staring at me? "No, I'm not. You're friend tried to have sex with me so I kicked him in the balls."

I try to walk away again, but Mason grabs my ass, holding me still.

And after that, I don't exactly remember what happened. But I lashed out. And everything that I had been feeling for the past 7 months came gushing out of me in the form of anger and relent.

"GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF ME!" I scream at him while punching his chest.

People stop and stare. Mason raises his hands and surrender. "Chill! I'm just-"

"Don't ever touch me again. EVER. IM SICK OF SEEING YOU!" I exclaim, punching him again. "YOU TOOK EVERYTHING I HAD AND RUINED ME! AND I HATE YOU SO MUCH FOR IT!"

I can't control what I'm doing or saying. My body is speaking for itself as it continues to throw punches and kicks at this kid in front of me. This rapist. This fucking manipulator.

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