33. [midnight path]

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*sorry for the really late fking update. I just like... really didn't know how I wanted to start this chapter and I realized I didn't want to start it with prom anymore. So sorry, I'm skipping the prom scene 💀 enjoy this though, it'll probably be cuter. Okay bye.*

Teala's POV

"That was, the experience of a lifetime," I giggle as Grayson and I walk down a path, on our way to the park closest to our school.

Prom was, amazing to say the least. It was fun to dance, fun to take a bunch of stupid pictures for yearbook, and fun to have that stupid slow dance with the guy that was just supposed to be my stupid best friend. And now, we're dating, and in love with each other, holding hands and feeling high as fuck on life as we walk away from the last school dance of our high school career.

"Yeah, it was. And I'm glad I got to spend it with you," he replies, pulling or conjoined hands up to his lips, kissing the back of mine softly.

I blush and smile, moving my curly hair out of my face. "Stop getting all cheesy on me Gray," I laugh, stumbling in my heels. "I need to take these bitches off!"

Gray chuckles. Out of nowhere, my hips are grabbed and I'm being thrown over his shoulder.

"GRAY WHAT THE FUCK?!" I laugh, hitting his back as he continues to walk.

"I'm trying to help you out here!" He laughs, not being affected by the hits I'm throwing at him. "Plus, the view is nice."

"Okay you know what," I giggle.

And before I know it, I'm set down right next to a bench in the middle of the park, which had a trail of flowers spread behind it. This isn't the first I am seeing of the magical bench, but it is the first time a really wonderful guy has brought me here.

I smile in content and wrap my arms around Grayson's neck.

"This kind of feels like déjà vu, huh?" He asks quietly, grabbing my hips in his hands and his eyebrow quirks up.

I think back to the last time Grayson had picked me up without my consent.

"GRAY!" I scream hitting on his back.

He squeezes me tighter, keeping me from going anywhere.

"Say sorry!"


"Say. Sorry." He says laughing.

I groan. "I'm sorry."

"And that you missed me."

"And I missed you," I say, smiling.

He softly lets me down, still hanging onto my waist. And he's smirking.

"I hate you, you always win," I pout, sticking my bottom lip out.

"You know what?" He says.

And the next thing I know, he leans down and quickly presses his soft lips against mine.

He pulls back and smiles. "I've always wanted to do that," Gray says smiling, before going past me, walking up the stairs.

I stand at the bottom of the stairs, completely stunned.

I smile before biting my lip. "Yeah, it does."

"I'm so happy I kissed you on the stairs that day. You have no idea how happy I am to be able to say that you are mine," he mumbles, pressing his soft lips to mine, in a loving kiss, it being held longer than any simple kiss. "I'm so in love with you. I don't want you to go off to fucking Hamilton next semester and stay here with me!" Grayson suggests.

Yes, I did get accepted into Hamilton College in New York. What, did you think this whole time I've been worrying about my relationship? Hell no. I've got a future to maintain.

I pull away from him and sit on the bench. "Grayson," I sigh. "You know I can't just pass something like this up."

"But we both already know I'm not getting into some prestigious ass school like that," he whines, sitting next to me and trying to face me, but my eyes keep their gaze on the rock path in front of me. "Plus, I don't think I even want to go to college."

"What are you going to do after high school then? You have to have some type of plan, Gray."

"I don't know, baby," he whispers grabbing my hand. "I just know I don't want to lose you because long distance never works out no matter how hard people try."

I smile lightly and look at him. His eyes are shining in the moonlight as his tuxedo blends in with the night of the park behind him. God, why did he always look so beautiful. "We'll figure this out, Grayson." I reply happily sitting in his lap. "But right now, you should take me home so we can focus on us."

He half smiles, knowing what I was getting at. I could tell he was still feeling down about me leaving this fall. "Okay."


My eyes have trouble adjusting to the sunlight that shined into my room. An arm is draped over my side, only to remind me who I was in bed with. I smiled warmly as its hand began to rub beneath my shirt, trailing awfully close up to the bottom of my cleavage. I turn over in the bed, only to see Grayson's tired eyes looking as if they he had just woken up also. "Good morning," I whisper, cuddling into his chest.

"Morning." He mumbles back, his hand now rubbing my back. "Teala I don't want you to think that I'm not proud of you or anything for getting into college. And I don't want you to think that I'm setting you back or anything. But I just love you a lot. And the thought of you going off to this fancy college in New York alone scares me. Like, what if you find some other guy that has a twin whose name is like, Gayson or something?"

I giggle and press light kisses to his chest. "Well, if you're so worried about this Gayson guy," I start, looking up at him. "Then why don't you just come move to New York with me?"

His eyes widen. "W-Wait, really?!"

"I mean yeah. We can get an apartment and you can work and I can do school stuff and that way I won't forget about you because my room will be your room and you'll be waking up to me every damn morning. I mean, I guess I could forget you even if that happened but it would be kind of hard-"

He cuts me off and presses his lips firmly against mine, kissing me quickly and passionately.

When he pulls away, my face is on fire. "-to." I say finishing my sentence.

He grins widely and stands up, pulling his pants on. "Hey, where are you going?"

Grayson rushed to my side of the bed and kisses my lips quickly before putting his shoes on and grabbing his keys from my nightstand. "Don't worry about it, I'll be back later I promise." He pecks my lips again before saying bye and rushing downstairs.

What is he up to now?"



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I'll see y'all in the next one! (Which will literally be out tomorrow I swear.)

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