18. [loving embrace]

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Teala's POV

I'm scared. So scared to tell him. I wasn't even ready to talk to him about anything else that happened in the relationship me and Mason shared. With anybody really.

I sigh and close my eyes as my heart beats through my chest, kind of scooting off of Grayson. I never turned to face him though.

I kept quiet, as I traced patterns on my legs.

"T," Grayson said softly, lightly turning me around so I could face him. "Talk to me."

His eyes showed me nothing but sympathy and worry, the two things that I wish they didn't show.

I shake my head, my breathing getting heavier now having descriptive memories of how I even got this bruise.

I wish it were easy to forget. I wish I would just hit my head so hard that every single trace of Mason in my mind would simply evaporate into nothing.

I open my mouth to speak, but no words came out, my body trembling.

"I-I can't G-Gray. I can't t-tell you." I say, looking down to my lap.

And before I know it, I'm crying. I just really want to know why I've been so soft lately.

Grayson has to be afraid to say anything to me now. He's never seen this side of me where I'm sensitive and show my feelings. And I'm not sure if he was really willing to.

He pulls my body close and shushes me, rubbing my back and softly swaying side to side, wanting to calm me down.

But I can't seem to stop the tears from dramatically falling. I can't get Mason out of my head; with him raping me, disrespecting me, putting his hands on me. It was in this moment that I could feel his cold hands in every single place that he has ever touched.

I rubbed my skin, trying to rid the feeling, but it doesn't help and I whine frustrated, crying harder into Grayson.

I can tell he's not sure what to do. He rests his chin on top of my head. "Teala, calm down. I'm sorry I asked you, baby. You don't have to tell me until you're ready. I just need you to calm down." He whispers softly as I choke on my cries.

Somehow, his words touched my heart, and immediately I was able to calm down in the slightest. And somehow, I realized that his embrace is the most meaningful feeling I've ever had.

I feel safe in his arms. I feel like I'm stronger than I really am. I feel like Mason can't hurt me anymore.

The warmth radiating from his body soothes me as if his heart were a million degrees. When his fingertips gaze my skin, it's like the light overcomes the dark prints that were left on me, the shadows that had ever crossed my skin. The love you can feel when he does so much as smile at you is powerful to me. It could light up the whole world.

And it was seconds after realizing this that I was completely calm. My eyes were shut as my face stayed buried into his chest. I listen to his steady heartbeat as my chest rose and fell slowly.

He tilts his chin a little to kiss the top of my forehead, and I can feel his eyes looking down on me.

"I love you so damn much, Teala Ruise." Grayson states calmly, as if the phrase meant absolutely nothing.

My breath hitches in my throat and my heart beats rapidly at his words.

He loves me?

"I know, we only started dating Friday. And it hasn't been that long since then. But I've known that I've loved you for so damn long. When you were with Mason, I was so jealous of him. I wanted to be the one to take you out and buy you gifts, and I wanted to be the one that could kiss you whenever I felt like it because you were mine and I was yours."

"And then you broke up with Mason, and I told myself that I wouldn't let you have the time to find somebody else, because I had to have you. And now that I know what your relationship was really like with Mason, it makes anger burn in my chest. He didn't deserve you and he never will."

I look up into his eyes, my chin on his chest.

"Teala, you are so damn beautiful, you're smart, you're hilarious, and I know this is cliché but you are not like any other girl I have met. You're so caring and loving that I don't understand how anyone could let you go without putting up a fight."

I can feel my whole entire body run warm. He is really confessing his love to me right now.

And I could seriously start balling again.

He love me.


"I love you, with all my heart. Not even in just a boyfriend girlfriend kind of way, but a friend way as well. You have been with me since middle school and I'm so glad that you stuck around with my ugly middle school self," He says, chuckling at the end, and I smile along with him, sniffling.

"Cause I know for a fact I wouldn't hang out with myself. You don't have to say anything back to me because I know this is a lot, but just know that I love you, and I will never hurt you. Intentionally anyway. I'm kind of stupid so forgive me if I do something reckless." He says grinning.

I lean up and kiss his plump lips, making sure to show all of the love and passion that I can. The kiss is slow, sweet and innocent; just the way I like it. It doesn't turn into a make out, but it does last quite a while.

When we finally pull away from each other, our breathes are moving a little quicker.

I look him in the eyes with a smile, and I knew exactly who I wanted in my life. Who I wanted to stick around with me forever. "I love you too, Grayson."



Also, if you check the very first chapter of the story, you will see what Teala and Mason looks like :)

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I'll see y'all in the next one!

Heartbeat // Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now