35. [new beginnings]

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Teala's POV

3 weeks later..

"Congratulations!" Mama greets as she hugs me snuggly.

"Thanks! Hey Noah!" I exclaim, rushing to him and hugging him tighter than anything. "I've missed you so much!"

"Uh, T, you're hurting me," he says.

"Sorry! Sorry I just, really love you and I'm happy that you're better."

"You're lucky I even let the hospital get him out early. He's supposed to be there for another five weeks."

"It's a good thing you're a champ then," I reply, lightly hitting his shoulder.

We take pictures in the hallway of the convention center. Wow, I can't believe I actually graduated. Even with that A- that I barely got in French. I couldn't feel anymore high on life than I do right now.

I turn and glance around, looking for Grayson.

I spot him, taking a picture with his parents, and I inform Mama that I'll be back.

"GRAY!" I scream, running past my mom and Noah towards Grayson. He turns around with the biggest smile on his face and I hug him tightly. "WE MADE IT!"

"That's right, we fucking made it!" He screams, kissing me on the lips.

"Um, excuse me Grayson, watch your language!" Mrs. Dolan says quietly to Gray.

"Sorry, Ma." He mumbles as he pulls away from me. I then become embarrassed, as I had forgotten that his parents were even right there.

"Congratulations, sweetie!" She says to me, taking me in her arms proudly.

"Thank you so much! Hey, where is Ethan?"

"Talking to Natalie. I don't think that relationship is gonna stand much longer," he whispers, throwing his arm over my shoulder and directing me over towards the rest of his family, probably so we can take pictures.

"Damn," I whisper back, feeling bad for Ethan. He deserves the whole fucking world for how sweet he is.

"Let's take some pictures, and then go party or something," he smiles, squeezing me.

I giggle, and nod my head.


"FUCK YEAH BITCH! I AINT EVER GOING BACK!" I exclaim, as I'm being carried up the stairs to Grayson's room. "PUT ME DOWN, YOU BIG MEANIE! I CAN CARRY MYSELF UPSTAIRS!" I slur, poking him in the face.

"I should not have told you that we should party," he whispers.

"Well, you fucking did," I giggle, leaning back over his arms causing him to grip me tighter.

"Hey! Stop moving so much before I drop you on the stairs!"

"I'm sorry Daddy, I'll try my best not to," I smugly reply as I wiggle around in his buff arms.

"Don't ever call me that again."

"I thought you liked it that one day at the grocery store?!"

"Let's never speak of that again," he laughs as we reach his room and lays me down on the soft comforter of the bed. I turn onto my stomach, making a loud moaning noise and sniffing his sheets.

Mmmmm... Grayson smells so fucking good.

"You sleepy?"

"Mmm, yeah. Just a little bit, or maybe a lot a bit."

I take off my clothes, throwing them at Gray as he grabs a shirt from his dresser next to me.

He hands it to me before taking off his clothes too, except putting on some basketball shorts.

We get comfortable in the bed, me pressing my head lightly against his chest, feeling my eyelids become heavier than I thought they were.

"We really made it, babe," I whisper.

Grayson's hand caresses my back gently. "We did. And now, we get to start a new life, living together in New York."

His soft lips kiss my forehead sweetly and my chest swells with so much love for this human.

After all of the hell I've been through since middle school, he has always been there. Grayson has been a shoulder for me to cry on, and a hand I knew I could hold through anything. He was the only thing keeping me going at times, and I really appreciate him.

Never in a million years would I have thought a year ago that Grayson and I would be dating and moving to start our adulthood together. If I could go back in time and change my relationship with Mason, I wouldn't.

Because, look at how much that shitty relationship has done for me. It's made me stronger, landed me a companion that I want for life. It has showed me who my true friends are, and not to put up with bullshit.

And I couldn't feel happier, snuggling into the love of my life's chest, drunk off my ass.

I can't wait for these new beginnings, and my new life with Grayson.

I hear soft snores come from him, and his heartbeat becoming slower, more steady.

I close my eyes, and fall asleep listening to the soft lullaby.


Yo so that was the end...

IM SORRY THE ENDING SUCKED ASS BUT I DIDNT KNOW HOW ELSE TO END IT. I hope you guys enjoyed the story and I really appreciate all of you that have been reading this book since day one. If you guys would like a sequel to Teala and Grayson's life in New York, comment so I can know. Anyway, that's it for Heartbeat folks!

My other two books are Flatline and Bean, so be sure to check those out!

Peace! ✌🏾

Heartbeat // Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now