34. [toilet brush]

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Teala's POV

"Close your eyes!"

"Grayson, just tell me what you're doing! You're being annoying."

"Yeah, but all in good reason," Gray says singsongingly, putting his hands over my eyes.

I sigh in annoyance, but am excited deep down about what he has to show me.

We wal through the house, my foot occasionally hitting a baseboard.

"Okay, are you ready?"

"Yes, please show me already," I groan stomping my foot playfully.

He chuckles and moves his hands from my eyes.

I face palm instantly.

Grayson's POV

"What, you don't like it?" I say, holding back my laughter.

"Grayson, are you fucking with me right now?"

"No, this is the surprise!"

Teala slowly faces me as she puts her hands on her hips. "A fucking toilet brush?! That's the surprise?!" She groans, raising her brow. "I should beat your ass for this."

I finally let out a few laughs, grabbing her waist. She tries to push me off but doesn't make much happen as I keep my grip on her hips. "Relax, baby," I mumble, kissing her neck softly. "This is our house warming gift before we get our new apartment."

"Grayson, we don't even have a place to live yet!"


"Living in New York is so expensive, ya know?" Teala questions as her back rests softly on my chest. I hum in response, shifting a little up the headboard of my bed. "Like, no wonder there are so many homeless people living up there," she mumbles as she stuffs her mouth with pizza.

I rub her thigh, humming once again and nodding my head. "I don't care how much the rent is, as long as I get to live there with you," I state, turning her head and kissing her lips. She smiles against mine, and I do the same before biting a piece of her pizza.

"You're an asshole," she whines as she sets her slice of pizza back into the box. "You sweet talked me just to eat my pizza!"

"Yeah, and I can't say I wouldn't do it again," I sigh, leaning against the headboard again.

"Okay," she says, turning off my laptop and setting it further down the bed. Teala swings her legs on my lap until she's facing me. "You're being awfully hot right now and I want to know what you're deal is."

Blood rushes to my face. "How am I being hot? I literally just ate your pizza!" I exclaim, trying to defend myself.

"You just always look hot. Even when you're being cute. Which is confusing sometimes. And, fuck, I literally don't deserve a man that can do both," she rambles, her eyes squinting together, her face getting closer to mine with every word.

I look down to her plump lips, and seconds later look back up to her eyes shrugging ,y shoulders. "I can't help it, babe. But its completely the other way around. I don't deserve you," I say, pointing to her chest at the end of my sentence.

"And why is that?"

Her face is even closer to mine.

"Are you seriously gonna make me get all soft right now? I thought I was being hot!"

"Why don't you deserve me?"

Heartbeat // Grayson DolanWhere stories live. Discover now