Chapter 2 - "That's how it's done."

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Chapter 2 – Lucas Jensen

It was about an hour into marching band practice and our final warm up was the Drill Down. All Freshman and Sophmore’s were required to participate in the Drill Down. Junior’s and Senior’s usually just stood there and laughed at us every time we messed up.

This is how a Drill Down worked: We stand in a block, usually five by five, standing at attention. The Drum Major will call out a command and if we do the command wrong you are to leave the block and sit on the PAC’s steps and wait, quietly, until there are three people left. The Drum Major can pick how fast or slow, he or she wishes. Once the Drill Down is over the final three get a reward: which is usually sitting out of practice for an hour or so.

“BAND!” Ben, our Drum Major called out, “ATENN-TION!”

“ONE!” we all shouted back.

Ben was silent a moment, he looked around at the rest of the Freshman and Sophmore’s, making sure that no one was breaking attention.

Attention was simple; If the Drum Major—or Assistant Drum Major—shouts “BAND—ATTEN-TION!” you are to yell back, “ONE!” You take your left hand and make sure it’s in a fist; your left arm must be bent and your fist must be in front of my waist—where you would have a front pocket. Your right arm, however, must be bent at a ninety degree angle; your forearm and hand facing forward toward the Drum Major. Your heels must be together, and your feet should be far enough apart where the Drum Major could simple place his shoe in between your feet and it would be a perfect fit.

Attention was easy to remember. It was the commands you have to watch out for.

Ben walked back to the front of the block and cleared his throat, “RIGHT HACE!”

“One, two.” We all responded.

See, when you’re doing a ‘hace’ there are only two counts, therefore, shouting/responding “ONE, TWO”

I looked over and looked at Jessica. She was dressed in White ankle carpi’s, a pale orange, lace top, and a black blazer—along with the, not so stylish, marching band drill masters. Total turn off if you were to wear them in public. Although, she knew how to dress.

She glanced over at me…wasn’t expecting that one…she and I locked eyes and pretty much stayed like that for a slight moment.


“One, Two.”

She and I were still shoulder to shoulder. I was looking at Jennifer Tibet’s back. Jennifer was the last person I would want to see standing in front of me or to the side of me. I used to date Jennifer last year, and I have to say—she was a royal pain in my ass, I swear to God. Jennifer was the clingiest person in the world, she didn’t know when to give up on anything. Thank God, she switched to Colorguard and out of trumpets. I have to say Jennifer was pretty attractive; it was just when she opened her mouth everything went downhill.



Marking time is when you march in place. There is a specific way to march, which is pretty sad. You are to lift your LEFT leg first, if you don’t lift your LEFT leg first, you screw up the rest of the block or line. It means you’re basically off step and ruining the rest of the band—according to Ms. Hess, our band instructor.


“One, Two!”

To ‘halt’ you MUST end on your right leg, so when you stop marking time, you say ‘ONE’ and step with your left foot; and then you say ‘TWO’ and step with your right foot—ending all marching there.

Jessica and I were probably the only two people to do the process right. Everyone else—lost. Jessica looked at me and then looked back at Ben.

“Something distracting you, Jessica?” Ben glared.

“No, sir,” she responded.

He nodded and then looked around the block.

Me, Jessica, Jennifer, Nina, and a couple of Sophmore’s were the only ones left. Crap.

Six of us were left, out of twenty five people—which meant it was time for us to get into a line. When we formed the line, we all continued to stay at attention.



We all lifted our left legs and kept moving; the only awkward thing about a Drill Down was the fact that you had other people staring at you as you continued to complete the Drill Down.



When you’re told ‘forward march’ you lift your left leg and roll step forward until you are either told to ‘halt’ or ‘flank’.

We all moved forward in the line and waited for command. We walked for a good five seconds and then—


When you flank, or turn, you take either or left or right foot, take a step forward and turn.

After three of the Sophmore’s succeeded to flank, it was just me, Jessica, and Nina.


“One, Two!”


“One, Two!”

We were staring Ben directly in the eye as we turned around—still at attention—and waited.

“At ease.”

We broke from attention and walked forward towards him; he told the band ‘That’s how it’s done.’ And then we were let free for break.

Authors Note:

Hey all :) I know it's a very short chapter--the point of this chapter was basically for you to get the feel of what marching band is really about and what the main commands are; and duh, to see how a drill down works--which are by the way the most amazing and fun things you will ever encounter in YOUR LIFE!! haha--if you're a band geek like me you'd know ;D

If you guys have any NAME ideas could you please help me out, there are over 90 band members and that means that i need ALOT of name's hahaha! so i need some help over here :) hehehe, thanks guys! Another reason for this chapter was just to give you an idea of what the commands are and if you see them in any of the other chapters you'll know what they're doing!

BYE <3

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