Chapter 18 - "You were going to tell me how you felt, weren't you?"

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Chapter 18 – Nicholas O’Riley

“I still love you,” I slowly admitted; and it was true—I’ve always loved Jessica—there was no question or doubt to it. Jessica was everything Laura wasn’t, but at the same time…Laura was everything Jessica wasn’t. That’s what made the two so unique and different, the fact that they both had their own personalities.

I looked back and forth between the ground and Jessica for a moment, until my eyes just landed on hers—she had confusion written ALL over her face; it was very clear.

“Nick,” she finally spoke, “We can’t.”

“You said that already,” I reminded her.

“I know what I said, Nick,” she said, quickly. “I can’t Nick…we both can’t.”

“Why not?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Nick, oh my god, I told you all of this earlier—you have a girlfriend and so on so forth,” she spat out.

I sigh, you have to be kidding me, I thought.

I rolled my eyes, quickly walked up to her, and slammed her lips onto mine. I hadn’t even been five seconds before she had pushed me away—and man was I enjoying that.

“WHAT THE HELL!!!” she screamed; absolute disgust written all over her face.

I didn’t know exactly what to say, I’ve never ever done something like that before—especially when I know I’m already taken—I’ve never cheated on a girlfriend before.

“What were you thinking?!” she exclaimed, digging her hands into her hair, “Oh my god…” she began, “Laura is going to KILL me…”

“No she’s not,” I replied.

She just stared at me, “Um, excuse me…have you met your girlfriend?!”

“I’m pretty sure…yeah.”

“Don’t even start,” she spat, “You’re such a smart ass.”

I rolled my eyes—again and watched as she walked back towards the diner, or should I say, towards my mom’s car. She stepped into the car with ease and slammed the door, waiting for Katie and my mom to finish breakfast.

***Jessica’s POV***

Nick O’Riley just kissed me…he just effing kissed me…are you KIDDING me?! He thought I was mad? Oh no, I was FURIOUS. Nick tapped on the window and I just sent him cold glares through the tinting. Nick opened the driver’s side door, got in, and pulled the door close.

“What? Are you going to ignore me for the rest of our lives?” he asked.

I looked at him evilly, “Anything’s possible.”

Inside, I knew that I’ve always wanted the day for Nick to kiss me; I’ve always like Nick—ever since I met him—but everything changed when he met my ex-best friend, Laura.

***Flash Back*** - Middle of the 7th Grade Year

“Nick! Hurry up!” I shouted, rushing down the hall.

“Stop speed walking!” he shouted back.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, turned around, and Nick was just standing there—literally panting.

“Geez,” I said sarcastically, “You need to get out more.”

“Yeah, well you need to stay in more,” he retorted.


“You started it.”

I rolled my eyes and pulled Nick towards the cafeteria—or should I say our usual table.

“Why are you in such a rush today?” he asked, curiously, sitting down in his usual place.

I knew that I loved Nick, there was no question to it, and he was just my other half.

“Well, I—.”

“HEY!!” Laura shouted, taking a seat next to me, “What’s up, girl?”

I smiled at her, “Hey, and not much, just talking to Nick.”

Laura seemed really oblivious to the fact that Nick was sitting right there until I told her so; he was gorgeous—how hard was it to miss him?

“Oh wow! Look at this handsome guy,” she smiled at him; Causing Nick to blush deeply.

He extended his hand, “Nick O’Riley,” he smiled.

“Laura Stone,” she replied, “Very nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” he winked at her.

Was he really flirting with her? And was she really flirting with him? They were just sitting there—staring and smiling at each other—and they just met each other all of thirty seconds ago. I was fuming, deep down inside; I could honestly feel it.

“So,” Nick’s voice boomed, “What were you going to say, Jess?” he smiled sweetly at me and put his hand on top of mine. I heard Laura making an ‘Aw’ sound as he put his hand over mine.

I looked away from Nick and took my hand back, “Nothing…” was all I replied—I stood up and walked straight out of the cafeteria.

I walked down the halls for, probably, a good fifteen minutes or so, when I heard footsteps running up behind me.

“Jessica!” Nick shouted, “Wait up!”

I sighed and stopped walking, but I never turned around to face him.

“Hey,” he smiled, studying my facial expression, “What’s wrong?”

I shook my head, “Nothing’s wrong.”

I heard him sigh as he lifted my chin up for me to look at him, “Jessica I’ve known you for three years now—I know when something is wrong.”

I laughed slightly—wishing I hadn’t—and looked at him again, “Look—it’s really not important.” I tried walking away until his hands caught my wrists.

“You were going to tell me today—weren’t you?” he asked; I honestly had no idea what any of that meant—until it all just clicked in my head.

I didn’t reply, because what he said was obviously true—I was going to—but then Laura butted in and caused a bunch of distractions.

“Tell you what?” I asked; acting dumbfounded.

He rolled his eyes, sarcastically, “You were going to tell me how you felt, weren’t you?”

I paused at his words, slightly nodded, and walked away—just like I always did.

Authors Note: I know..I know.. it's awful.. but I was having major writers block; but SOMEBODY *cough cough* Karina *cough cough* wanted me to upload the damn here it is...really bad

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