Chapter 7 - "You going to club night tomorrow?" (very short chapter)

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Chapter 7 – Jessica Montez

I watched as Sam sprinted towards his spot in the score order line—oh that boy sometimes. It’s weird to think that Sam and I have been friends for a whole entire year, even though it feels like we’ve been best friends forever.

I put my hands in my back pockets and looked at Lucas; he gave me a quick look before going into his spot of the score order line.

Lucas Jensen has always been a mysterious guy to me; I knew that his girlfriend was on the Dance Team and I knew that he was always quiet around people he didn’t know very well. He’s an interesting guy, but not a lot of people know much about him.

“Hey there,” I felt a hand on my back and turned to see Lindsey Shaw—Colorguard member, senior, and friend of mine since I met her last year.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked, confused, “Aren’t you supposed to be in the line?”

Lindsey shook her head and put her glasses over her eyes, “I’m sitting out today; I’m not really feeling well today,” she stuck her tongue out.

“I get the feeling,” I replied, putting my right hand in my front pocket.

“You sitting out to?” she asked.

I simply nodded.

“Sweet!!” Lindsey exclaimed, “We can sit in the bleachers together and watch the field practice.”

I smiled at her and nodded, “I agree.”

We both gave one last look at the score order line and began walking towards the football field.

Lindsey looked at me as we were half way to the football field, “So, are you coming to club night tomorrow night?”

I stared, blankly, at Lindsey, “what are you talking about?”

“You know how we went to that club last year for band and partied like—all night?” Lindsey reminded me.

I nodded, “Yeah, what about it?”

“Tomorrow night, we’re all going again,” she paused, “You going to go?”

I nodded, “Sure, can you pick me up though??”

Lindsey pushed the gate open for us to walk up the bleachers, “Sure, you’re staying at Jessica’s right?”

I nodded, “Ha. Yeah, and I think I’m staying there ‘til I go off to college.”

“Alright, I’ll be there early to dress you and do your make up…since you didn’t really do such a good job of that last time we went,” she make a horrified face and then sat down at the very top of the bleachers.

I joined her and crossed my legs, “Alright, thanks, Lindsey.” I said sarcastically.

“Trust me, once I’m done with you—you’re going to love me,” she emphasized ‘love’ as she clapped her hands.

I just laughed at her statement—club night? Really? I knew the whole band would be going; every single time they held a club right, everyone usually went. Great—club dresses. I didn’t understand why Lindsey said that I didn’t do such a good job last time: I came to the club in a black, leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and a mid-sectioned white, loose shirt. Most of the guys thought I looked great—for a Freshman I mean.

Lindsey and I didn’t talk the rest of the evening—we watched the field practice and then Ben drove me back to Jessica’s.

Ben ran around Jessica’s car and opened the door for me.

“Thank you,” I smiled.

He smiled back at me as he slammed the car door, “So I will see you tomorrow night?” he asked, almost as a murmur.

“Yeah,” I replied, plainly, “I will see you tomorrow night. Yay, club dresses!!” I exclaimed sarcastically.

“Come on! The girls always look hot when they come like that,” Ben protested.

I rolled my eyes, “Yeah, we’re all going to kill ourselves in our two inch heels and tube dresses.”

“I think you’ll survive, one night,” Ben retorted.

I huffed, “Whatever guy,” I stated. “See you tomorrow.”

“See ya,” Ben called back as he got into his car again.

I waved at him and pushed the door open into Jessica’s apartment, “JESSICA!! I’m home!!”

Utter. Silence.

No one was home yet.

I sighed and threw my phone onto the counter, searching Jessica’s fridge for some type drink—nothing. I rolled my eyes and just gave up, deciding to fall asleep instead.

Authors Note: Hey all!! Sorry this chapter is so short, i couldnt think of anything else to write...chapter 8 however, will be a little bit longer--club night's about to be interesting and FULL of DRAMA :D stay tuned ;D

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