Chapter 28 - Running and running - FINAL CHAPTER!!

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Chapter 28 – Jessica Montez

We hadn’t been home for more than half an hour and I was already bored…I knew I should be sulking around the apartment but I felt that it was too quiet to sulk.

“Jessica! I’m going out for a little bit!” I called out; I grabbed my cell phone, pushed it into my pocket and slipped on my black Converse. As I pulled the door open, I took one last look around and then pulled the door closed.

Walking down the stairs of the complex was probably the most boring thing in the world—it was also kind of complicated: you can go down two flights of stairs; One that leads towards the pool and park, and the one that leads towards the parking lot—and that’s exactly where I wanted to go. Since Jessica lived on the very top floor of the complex it took forever to get down all of the stairs; it doesn’t make it any better that the elevators are broken as well. I rolled my eyes at the thought as I pushed forward.

Finally, as I reached the parking garage, I let out a sigh of relief, “God…so many steps.”

I heard a chuckle come out of nowhere, causing me to freak out, “Well, well, well…look who’s here.” A familiar, male, voice called out; echoing off of the walls.

“Who’s there?!” I responded.

A figured came out behind a car: dressed in all black clothing and had a bag in his hands. He just continued to chuckle as he came closer. My eyes widened as she stood in front of me—it could only be one person.

“Well, isn’t nice to see my only daughter that’s still alive,” my father hissed.

My heart was going a thousand miles per hour…and the only thing on my mind right now was to run—and run I did. My feet were pounded against the concrete as I sprinted out of the parking garage, knowing that my father was hot on my trail.

Guess it’s time to play dodge the cars, I thought to myself. I ran through the middle of the intersection, where cars were passing by or stopping right in front of me.

“Hey watch it!” a man called from his vehicle.

I didn’t bother calling back a sorry or anything, the only thing that mattered right now was trying to save myself from being killed. I turned my head as I jumped onto the side walk; my father was trying to dodge a few cars as he ran after me. I continued to run down the sidewalk…people were giving me really confused looks and some people just looked scared—I couldn’t tell if they looked scared for me or for themselves—it’s not every day you see a sixteen year old girl running as fast as she could down the street from a man that’s twice her size.

My lungs and knees were burning, plus my mind was racing—not really paying attention to where I was running or the fact that I was slowing down.

I felt a pain in my back and the back of my head—my body went numb and my vision was so blurry that everything was just spinning.

The last thing I heard was, “Now there’s nowhere for you to run…”

Authors Note: I's really really short. & yes, i do realize that there is an opening and i'm taking it into my next story :)!! it's going to be called's the sequal to this story and it's mainly going to be switching perspectives between Sam, Nick, Jessica M., and either her father or the detective working on her case. Thanks for reading True Colors :) i'm hoping you'll enjoy Kidnapped. If you want to read about Megan Montez, go read my story Dead at Fourteen :D chao loves <3

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