Chapter 13 - Flashback - 8th Graders & a little truth or dare

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Authors Note: This chapter is to help clear up what Katie meants by the pool and roller skates. this chapter also shows how close the four friends have been :) enjoy xx

Chapter 13 – Katie Peterson – Flashback

“Okay, Katie,” Kyle nudged my shoulder, “Truth or Dare?”

“Truth,” I was never one to pick dare—unless someone slipped something in my drink and I all of a sudden became really drunk and did something really stupid.

“You’re no fun,” Nicholas spoke, finally.

“Oh shut up,” I teased, “You’re not any better.”

Kyle looked dead ahead into my eyes, “Okay, if you had to pick between Nicholas and I, to go out with…who would it be?”

“Nicholas…no questions asked,” I responded.

I looked over at Jessica, who was laughing her ass off, she wasn’t making any noise or anything—she was silently laughing.

“Uh, you okay Jessica?” Nicholas asked, placing his hand on Jessica’s shoulder.

Jessica held up a finger, gesturing for us to hold on a moment so she could calm down; she took a deep breath and looked directly in the eyes, “Now to answer your question…yes I am okay.”

I groaned in disgust as Kyle laughed at me, “Damn, get a room you two.”

“Oh you hush,” Nicholas defended himself…and Jessica.

Kyle just rolled his eyes, “Okay Katie, your turn.”

I looked at the three other’s in the hot tub and spot Nicholas watching Jessica drain her hair. Oh my god, Nick, could you be more obvious??!

“Okay, Nicholas,” I exclaimed, “Truth or—,”


“You’re no fun,” I mimicked Nick from earlier.

“Ass muffin,” he retorted.

I raised an eyebrow at him, but he just shrugged his shoulders, “Alright then, Nicholas, if you’ve written any song in the whole world for someone, who would you write a song for.”

Nicholas just straight up—blushed, his cheeks were all red as Jessica and I stared at him hard.

“Uh…” he trailed off.

“Oh for Christ sakes, it’s Jessica isn’t it?!” I blurted out.

I turned to Jessica; she was full on blushing as well, her cheeks were pink and she awkwardly scratched the back of her neck—like she would always do when she was flattered, nervous, felt awkward, stuff like that—poor Jessica.

Nicholas didn’t say anything; he just looked everywhere but at Jessica.

“I hate you.” Nick mouthed.

I laughed, “Aw, come on, Nicky, don’t be a hater.”

Kyle was laughing so hard that he literally fell backwards into the pool, “I’M OKAY!” he shouted up; his long blond hair sticking to his forehead.

Kyle Green was basically a school jock who thought his hair was the most important thing in the world—it was kind of sad—he always fixed his hair every ten minutes; it could be very annoying. Kyle had long, dirty blond hair; he was about five-eight and had gained a lot of muscle between seventh grade and Freshman year. But he wasn’t bad looking, he had occasional acne but he honestly, wasn’t bad looking.

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