Chapter 20 - "It was you..."

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Chapter 20 – Sam Heasley

I pulled Jessica closer to me and I caught a quick smile on her face; I loved being able to make her so happy—but I knew that I wouldn’t be able to make her as happy as I’d like to—she had a few other friends who knew how to do that.

“Thanks for stealing my chair,” she said, sarcastically—rolling her eyes.

“Oh shut up,” I replied, sticking my tongue out.

She rolled her eyes and got up off of my lap, “Well, it was good to see you Lucas,” she began, “But I really have to get going—need to grab my stuff from Katie’s and then head to Jessica’s for lunch.”

“I’ll come with you,” I suggested. She smiled sweetly at me and nodded in my direction.

“Bye Guys!” Lucas called to us as I closed the door.

“We walking?” I asked, catching up to Jessica.

She cleared her throat and pushed her hair back, “Yeah—her house is only five minutes from here, walking.”

I nodded as we walked the rest of the way in silence. I used that time to think about Jessica; obviously Jessica didn’t understand how much I cared about her and I really wish she did…of all the times I’ve tried to tell her, someone or something interrupts the moment.

“Sam?” Jessica’s voice broke through my thoughts as she grabbed my wrist.

“What?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

“We’re here,” she replied; pointed to the huge house standing before us.

My eyes widened as we walked up the steps; Jessica rang the doorbell and we waited for a few seconds so Katie would come and open the door.

The door swung open and it wasn’t Katie.

“Jessica?” the male asked, “What are you doing here?”

She sighed, “Nick…where’s Katie?”


“Can I come in?”

“I don’t know…can you?”

“Stop being a douche and let me in,” Jessica pushed past Nick and walked upstairs.

“KATIE!!” I heard her scream.

“Who are you??” Nick asked me as I watched Jessica disappear.

“I’m Sam,” I greeted, “I’m one of Jessica’s good friends.”

“Are you now?” he asked, rudely.

“Uh, yeah…” I replied; I felt awkward around him, I didn’t really know why, but I just didn’t get a good vibe around him.

“Stay away from her, Sam,” he whispered so no one else could hear—heck, like anyone was able to hear him in the first place, “I’ve known her and loved her so much longer than you have, so back off.”

“I never said I loved her,” I replied, raising an eyebrow.

He scoffed, “You didn’t have to—it’s written all over you—in your eyes mainly.”

I rolled my eyes to his remark, “Whatever.”

He pulled the door open and I walked in, waiting for Jessica to come back downstairs. I could hear Katie and Jessica talking about something, not really sure what it was, but it sounded like it was funnier than ever. Then, as I thought about what Nick had told me—it all made sense now—he’s the one that kissed her…he’s the one who told her that he still loved her.

“It’s you,” I said, glaring at him.

“What are you talking about?” he asked, clearly confused—more than ever.

I ran a hand through my hair and snapped, “You’re the one who kissed Jessica…the one who said you still loved her.”

“She told you?” Nick asked; he looked more hurt than he was angry, “Why did she tell you?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “I don’t know—she came to the hospital all shaken up and she told us that her dad had texted her and that you had kissed her, also told her that you still loved her.”

“Wait, wait, wait…her dad texted her?”

“Yeah…yesterday night apparently,” I rose an eyebrow as he paced around the living room, “Why what’s wrong?”

“You do know that her dad is literally on a quest the freaking kill her right?!” he snapped.

I nodded, “Yeah, most of knew that…”

Nick rolled his eyes, watching Jessica walk down the stair with Katie, “Why didn’t you tell me?” he shouted over to Jessica.

Jessica eyed his curiously, “Why didn’t I tell you what?”

“Don’t act stupid, Jessica,” he raised his voice, “That your dad texted you last night!”

She sighed, “I didn’t want you to act like—well—this!”

“Jessica, I’m acting like this because I care about you, not that I’m mad.”

Jessica put her bag down and walked over to Nick; she brought him into a quick hug and whispered something into his ear…he nodded at her and then looked at me.

“What?” I asked.

She shook his head, “Nothing.”

I rolled my eyes as Jessica gave Katie a quick hug, told her she’d call her later, and then dragged me out of the house.

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