Chapter 6 - Lucas' POV - Best Friends

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Chapter 6 – Lucas Jensen

I looked away from Carissa as she went on and on about how I was the crappiest boyfriend in the world and that she deserved better. Well, Carissa, I really just don’t care…you want a new boyfriend?! Go find a new one!! Don’t put the blame on me that you’re never hanging out with me. God.

“Are you even listening to me?!” Carissa was pissed. She was literally fuming when I turned my head to face her.

“Carissa!” I, finally, shouted, “Just shut up!! Don’t start blaming me for being a bad boyfriend—I want to spend time with you, but you’re always with your friends! You never hang out with me, so stop getting mad; quit blaming me for everything, alright?!”

Carissa’s eyes looked like they were about to jump out of her head; I’ve never ever talked back to a girlfriend of mine before, but Carissa was just starting to piss me off—she didn’t even care about me. How do I know this? ‘Cause her best guy friend is my best friend—oops, pick your friends wisely Carissa.

I’ve known Carissa ever since sixth grade. We started going out our Freshman year of high school after I asked her out for homecoming. Jessica, however, was also at the Liberty homecoming dance—she went with her ex-boyfriend Eric—Eric and Jessica went out for almost a year; according to both Jessica and Eric, they both met each other through Facebook and started talking a lot and then by the second week of band camp last year they were going out. I know I shouldn’t sound crushed about it, but I was; even though I was dating Carissa, I thought Jessica was stunning…she was everything Carissa wasn’t—she knew how to have fun and she knew how to live life.

The major difference between Carissa and Jessica is that Jessica is quieter than Carissa is…no matter how much no one wants to believe that is even true. Jessica can be loud—yes—but Carissa’s on the Dance Team, therefore, must be a loud person. Jess is on Colorguard and they have the call out to shout when we’re doing the Fight Song. It doesn’t really count as being loud but she is the loudest Colorguard member; shockingly.

“You know what?” Carissa threw her hands up slightly, “I’m done—we’re done—goodbye.”

Carissa picked up her dance bag, threw it over her shoulder, and left without giving me a chance to even respond to what just happened. All I know was that I was free of her and so glad to be single…no more girlfriends for a while.

I heard a loud laughter coming in as an echo ever so often—it was Jessica’s laugh…she was laughing…with Sam.

Sam Heasley was one of my really good friends; Sam played trumpet too, so we were always talking on the football field while we were practicing for a half time show or something like that; we’ve hung out occasionally with some of the other trumpet players at the mall or caught a movie in our spare time but that’s pretty much it—we don’t hang out much really—but he’s still a pretty good friend: he’s honest, loyal, and a pretty nice guy; the ladies find him attractive according to him.

I rolled my eyes at the thought of girls thinking Sam was attractive—but that’s apart of Sam’s humor.

Jessica and Sam were best friends; they were the type of best friends where they could flirt all day long and they wouldn’t even mind what other people thought—they’d be totally cool with it. They’d flirt and they would find it completely hilarious.

I didn’t know much about Jessica; she and I always talked briefly sometimes if we needed help finding sets on the field or if we were just sitting in the stands for a game, waiting for the half time show to start. Jessica Montez was quite a character: she was funny, yet quiet—she blushes a lot, even if someone says something mean to her; she just seems to redden up all the time. She’s really sensitive to how people talk to her…I think it has to do with stuff that happens in her household and it just follows her everywhere.

After the little stunt her father pulled earlier near the lockers and all it seemed like her household was pretty violent.

I strolled out of my thoughts to see that Sam was looking straight at me; mouthing, “Stay away from her.” I raised an eyebrow at him—looking back and forth between him and Jessica—he simply just nodded. I rolled my eyes and mouthed back, “You can’t stop me.”

Sam said something to Jessica; Jessica nodded and smiled as she watched Sam walked over to me.

“What do you want, Sam?” I put my hands in my back pockets and rolled my shoulders.

Sam just gave me the ‘dude, you know what I’m talking about look’, “Luke, you know I like her—you’ve known since last year.”

“I remember that you told me that you liked her—but you said you hated her also ‘cause she went to Heritage,” I spat back; I took both of my hands out of my pockets and crossed my arms.

Sam rolled his eyes, “I don’t remember saying that.”

“Dude, quit bluffing—we all know that you roll your eyes a lot when you lie,” I point towards him and waited.

He rolled his eyes again.

“See you just did it,” I exclaimed.

“Whatever,” Sam mumbled, “So what’s going on with you and Carissa, man?”

I raised an eyebrow, obviously confused.

“You two were arguing about something earlier,” Sam reminded me, “What was it about?”

I huffed, “She was telling me about how I was such a ‘god awful boyfriend’ and that I ‘didn’t care about her’, it’s her fault that she doesn’t hang out with me though.”

Sam laughed at this, “Dude, she’s crazy—you cared about her—she needs some sense smacked into her or something.”

I rolled my eyes, “Easier said than done, my friend,” I paused a moment to laugh, “So what about you man? How are you and…whatever girl you’re picking on now?”

“Jessica man…she agreed to go to Homecoming with me,” Sam smiled proudly.

My heart sank at his words, “Wow, that’s great man! I’ll be looking forward to seeing you both there then,” I plastered a fake smile onto my face.

He placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze, “You too man, any idea of who you might want to take?”

I shrugged my shoulders, “Not sure, I have a few more days to figure that out,” I chuckled as Sam took his hand back.

“Better hurry up then,” he flashed a smile at me.

At that very moment, Jessica bounced up in between us, “BOO!”

Neither of us flinched, just looked at one another like she’d gone crazy.

“Aw, you guys aren’t scared?” she asked, using her puppy dog face.

I just laughed, “Uh, no—sorry Jess.”

“You’re no fun, Luke!!” she exclaimed.

“Well, you’re not scary,” I retorted.

She placed her hand over her heart, “You’ve wounded me with your words, Jensen!”

I gave her a quick side hug and chuckled, “Sorry, Montez, nothing I can do there.”

All of a sudden there was a whistle, “SCORE ORDER!!!”

It was Ben…of all people…

“Alright Sam,” I glanced over at him and gave him a high five, “Let’s do this!” I exclaimed.

“LETS!” he shouted running to the line.

I glanced back at Jessica one last time—but I knew it wouldn’t be the last.  

Authors Note: Hey Guys :D!! So homecoming is coming up!! which means Luke needs to find a date :) lets see who he will choose--sometime soon hopefully, right?! haha!!

So who do you guys like better so far?? Luke or Sam?? Lemme know!!

And give me an opinion on who you guys want Jess to end up with...who know's the person she ends up with might surprise you :D

Okay, i'm gonna shut up and go listen to my music <3 Byyye :D

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