Chapter 3 - Two Boys...who cares more?

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Chapter 3 – Jessica Montez       

“At ease.”

I let my arms hang from the attention position as Ben told the rest of the band, “That’s how it’s done.” And then let us loose for break. I stifled out a sigh and ran a hand through my hair. Jessica walked up towards me.

“Nice job, Jess,” she smiled. “New record for Colorguard during a Drill Down.”

“Thanks, Jessica,” I smiled, weakly.

Jessica frowned at me, “Are you sure you’re okay??” she placed a hand on my shoulder.

I winced a little, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“What was that?” she burrowed her eyebrows.

“What was what?” I asked.

She mimicked my wince, “That.”

I shook my head, “Nothing, I just wasn’t expecting that; you aren’t one to do one-on-one gestures.”

She rolled her eyes, “Come on, Jessica, it’s more than that.”

I shook my head, again, “Seriously, Jess, it’s nothing.” I looked down at my feet, “Don’t worry, okay? I know how to take care of myself.”

Jessica Jones wasn’t an easy person to trick, she knew her way around everything. She knew me better than my best friends ever would; she’s like my sister basically. She and I always hung out during our free time—despite the age different; she and I were very close to one another. She’s helped me through heartbreak and she’s a great tutor if I do say so myself—but since she knew what background I come from, she knew that my parents weren’t exactly in their best state right now. Lately, all my parents do is fight: about the dumbest stuff, if I do say so myself.

“Jess, I know you can take care of yourself,” she repeated. “All I want to know is if you can handle taking care of yourself, by yourself?”

Jessica was smart, she knew what she was doing—she was the adult, of course she did.

“I don’t know, Jessica,” I cleared my throat and looked away at Eric and Jake who were whispering something to one another; I looked back at Jessica and sighed, “I, honestly, don’t know.” I shoved my hands into my capri pockets, staring at her.

She brought me into a hug, “Look, if things at home don’t work out, you can come stay at my place,” she let me go—still holding my shoulders—she smiled, reassuringly, “There’s always space in my apartment for you, okay?”

I smiled back at her, “Alright, thank you,” I brought her back into the hug and sighed into her shoulder; quickly closing my eyes. After a moment, I let her go and looked to see Lucas.

“Hey.” He said quickly.

Jessica smiled at me again, and walked off towards Nina.

“Hey,” I replied back.

Lucas shoved a hand into his back pocket, “Did I just over hear Jessica saying that you’d be living with her?”

I stifled a laugh from my mouth, “Yes and no,” I replied.

He looked at me, obviously confused, and I swear I could hear the little wheels in his head turning to process it.

I laughed again, “I’m having problems at home, so she offered for me to stay at her place until things cool down if I wanted to.”

Lucas’s mouth formed an “O” shape and he nodded ever so often, “What’s going on in your house?”

I felt like I was just slapped in the face—I took a step back to keep my balance.

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