Chapter 10 - Megan's ring

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Chapter 10 – Eric Redding

I embraced Jessica as she ran out of Sam’s arms and into mine. I exhaled in relief as she hit my chest, “Don’t you dare,” I paused as she looked up at me, “Ever run away like that ever again.”

Jessica just sunk into me, burying her face into my chest.

“Do you understand me?” I asked, in all seriousness.

She nodded, “Of course.”

I slinked my arms around her shoulder as I walked her back into the hospital; Jessica Jones stood outside of Lucas’ room waiting for us to come inside.

“Jessica!” she exclaimed running towards us. She ‘stole’ Jess from me and embraced her in her arms.

-Jessica Montez’s POV-

I watched as Jessica ran towards me, bringing me into her embrace.

“Are you okay?!” she was freaking out.

“I’m standing in front of you aren’t I?” I asked sarcastically.

She rolled her eyes at me, “Oh shut up you little turd. You need to get in there…Lucas has been asking for you for the past half hour. You’re killin’ the poor guy.”

I sighed, “Do I have to?” I looked between Sam, Eric, and Jessica.

They all nodded at me—unfortunately.

Before I could even take a step towards Lucas’s door, a hand came in contact with my cheek.

“Who the hell do you think you are?!?!” Jane Williams demanded.

Eric rushed over to me and helped me up, “What the hell was that for Jane?”

“She totally broke Lucas’s heart but simply RUNNING out of a hospital room,” Jane exclaimed.

Eric was fuming, “That gave you no right to SLAP her!!”

Jane rolled her eyes at the both of us as she walked away; Eric looked at me good—inspecting every inch of my face.

“Are you okay?” he asked, rushing his words.

“Eric calm down,” I placed a hand on his shoulder, “I’m okay.”

“Are you sure?”

I sighed, annoyed, “Yes Eric, I am sure.”

He nodded and let me go for me to enter Lucas’s room.

Lucas was awake, fiddling with his phone.

“Hey,” I broke the silence in the room.

Lucas locked his phone and put it on the bedside table, “Hey.”

“How are you feeling?” I asked, pushing the door closed and pulling up a chair.

He shrugged his shoulders, “I’m okay. A little tired.”

I didn’t say anything after that—the silence in the room was very uncomfortable.

“Hey,” Lucas began. “I have something for you. I think you might want to have it…Megan wanted you to have it.”

I knew Lucas and Megan were always close…Lucas’s brother was Megan’s best friend, therefore, Megan and Lucas were best friends.

Lucas grabbed his wallet and grabbed something out of it—I couldn’t see what it was…but whatever it was, I was very eager to know.

“Megan…she wanted me to give this to you…” he opened up his palm and I saw my grandmother’s wedding ring, sitting in the middle of his palm.

My hand flew straight up to my mouth as I gasped, “Oh my god…” was all I could manage.

I tried my best to restrain myself from crying…but that didn’t really work, “oh my god…” tears were flowing down my cheeks.

“Here,” he motioned towards my hand, “I’ll put it on your finger.”

I nodded and held out my left hand, he slipped the ring onto my ring finger and then flashed me a weak smile.

“You’ve been through so much, Jessica,” Lucas stated, “You’re such a fighter and I deeply admire that about you.”

My eyes said it all—I obviously had a sad look lying inside, and my mouth formed a small, weak “o” shape. I ran a hand through my hair as I looked at my grandmother’s ring.

“I miss her,” I stated in between small sobs.

Lucas nodded at me, “She was a great girl.”

He had known I was talking about Megan; Megan loved everyone—she never judged anyone, she listened to people and respected everyone…she was such a loveable person—and now she’s gone.

“The funeral’s next Friday…” I informed him.

“I know,” he replied. “Ky, sort of told me.”

Ky was Lucas’s younger brother—he and Megan had all sorts of classes together and it was pretty obvious that Megan had a crush on him; when Ky learned that Megan had died, he was completely crushed…he wasn’t able to function for weeks; but slowly yet surely he was coming around again. He had said that it’s what Megan had wanted. And that was pretty true, Megan didn’t like seeing anyone sad, she was such a happy and uplifting soul.

I nodded in understanding, “How is he?”

“He’s okay…he’s still in a down mood lately,” Lucas replied.

How did I know how Ky was? Well, after Megan died, he and I spent quite some time together: picking out flowers for the funeral, picking a dress to put Megan in, and so on, so forth. He helped me with quite a few things here and there, but he was a total help; Charming guy for his age.

“Poor guy,” I leaned back in the chair, “I don’t even want to know what he’s going to be like at the funeral next week.”

Just speaking and thinking of the funeral killed me…I literally could feel my heart breaking inside of my chest as we speak. Megan was the only family that I had when she was alive…after she died, I relied on everyone except for my mom and dad; the only time I saw them was before I went to bed or when we had to eat dinner—which was when my dad was at his angriest and took it all out on me—it was awful. But I knew deep down inside that it should’ve been me instead of Megan…Megan should still be here right now. If I didn’t have band practice that day, I wouldn’t be here right now, looking at Lucas in this hospital bed.

“I know this is hard for you, Jessica,” Lucas stated, tearing me out of my thoughts, “You know—being in this hospital—being only next door to the room where your sister died.”

“Don’t remind me,” I replied quickly, rolling my eyes.

“Sorry,” he apologized, “but, if you need anything or just want someone to talk to…I’m here for you okay?”

His statement made me angry, “What do you mean you’re here for me?!” I burrowed my eyebrows and frowned, “You haven’t even taken the time to even speak to me until a few days ago…you don’t even know me for Christ sakes.”

I stood up, pushing the chair back and paced around the room for a second, “Why the hell would Megan even give you my grandmother’s ring in the first place huh?!”

“She told me, if something ever happened to her to give it to you,” he replied, instantly.

“So,” I exclaimed, “Why didn’t you give it to me AFTER she died a few weeks ago?!”

Lucas shrugged his shoulders and cringed.

I honestly didn’t care what kind of pain he was in right now—I was full on pissed.

I rolled my eye and stormed out of the hospital room.

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