Chapter 34

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Ashley's P.O.V

It's been 2 years since she died and I still feel...wrong. I can't move on, that's just fucking impossible. I just, I can't function the same. The kids always ask what happened, where's their father, why I'm so sad. I can't tell them yet, can I? No, not yet. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair as Spencer laid against me while watching Mickey Mouse. He picked my phone up and turned it on. "Mommy, who's that?" He asked and pointed to the picture of me and Y/N at one of my shows.

I smiled sadly and shut my phone off. "She was someone really important to me."

"Who?" Spencer asked and I sat up.

"Alycia, come here sweetheart!" I called and waited a few seconds before hearing the quiet sound of her bare feet on the hardwood floor. She climbed on the couch next to me and I put my arm around her. "This" I began and pulled up pictures of me and Y/N. "Is your other mom."

"What happened to her?" Alycia asked and I sighed.

"Right after you were born, she got shot." I said and shut my eyes to try and prevent tears from running down my face. (I'm sorry, I'm crying while writing this. Don't come for me.)

"Oh." Spencer said and looked down. "I'm sorry mommy." He hugged me and planted a kiss to my cheek.

"She meant everything to me." I opened my eyes and let tears roll down my cheeks.

"Was she nice?" Alycia asked and held my hand.

"Oh, god, she was the greatest." I chuckled and shook my head. "We had our ups and downs but we always loved each other."

"She's really pretty." Spencer said and took my phone.

"I know." I said and smiled. "She's gorgeous." I looked down.

"S-so you know how princes always fight for the princess and stuff?" Alycia asked and nodded. "Did she fight for you?"

I laughed and nodded. "Got arrested for me too." I said and Spencer gasped.

"That's not good!" He said and shook his head.

"This guy would always try and make a move on me and she finally had enough of it and beat him up." I explained and leaned back.

"Who was he?" Alycia asked.

"It was Gerald." I said and nodded.

"Ew, he's gross. I don't like him." Spencer said and stuck his tongue out.

"Me neither Spenc." I rubbed his head and pushed my hair back. "Welp, It's time to go to Auntie Lauren's house!" I said and stood.

"I miss Cameron." Alycia said and and jumped up. "I'm gonna marry him one day!" She yelled as she ran upstairs. I chuckled and picked Spencer up, carrying him to their room.

"Why don't you talk about her?" Spencer asked and played with a strand of hair on my forehead.

"Because thinking about her makes me sad." I sighed. "She saved my life, buddy. If she wouldn't have jumped in front of the bullet I wouldn't be here."

"Oh." Spencer looked down before hugging me. I dropped him onto his bed and knelt down. "I'm so glad I get to watch you grow up, and you wanna know something?" I asked and he eagerly leaned forward. "She's watching from up there." I pointed towards the ceiling.

"With Auntie Ally?" He asked and looked up. (🤭🤭🤭)

"Yeah, with Auntie Ally." I nodded and ruffled his hair.

"Mommy can I wear makeup?" Alycia asked from the door.

"Can I get a million dollars?" I asked and looked at her.

Bad At Love [A Halsey/you story;COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now