Part 1

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Hello Readers :)

This is my very first completed wattpad story!!! Check out the sequel also ('Luna's Lullaby') on my homepage which features one of the characters in this story and is set a few months later!

Enjoy :)


I'm not particularly popular.

I'm not a cheerleader or the somebody everyone knows. I'm not the class clown or the person who makes people laugh. I'm not outstanding in anyway; I'm not even ridiculously gothic or an obvious loner. I'm just a slightly nerdy nobody. Not that I was complaining.

I was walking to my form room with my friends Adeline and Sara when Dakota came running up to us. Dakota was considered the class gossip and didn't really bother with us nobodies so she must have some pretty big news to consider telling us.

"Hey guys!" she gabbled, while I rolled my eyes at Sara when Dakota turned to Adeline. Adeline was the most semi-popular one so it wasn't that surprising it was being directed at her.

"Did you hear the news?" Adeline shrugged but Dakota hadn't paused "There's a load of new kids in town!"

At this, even me and Sara stopped and stared at Dakota. Living in a small town in the English countryside isolated from any cities and surrounded for miles and miles by woodland and rolling hills, this was rare. And considering she said 'kids' rather than 'kid', this was, well, practically unheard of.

"How many?" Adeline asked casually, though her interest had seized her words. Dakota smirked, clearly loving the fact she knew something other people didn't.

"About twelve" she said after a long pause.


"All related?" Adeline had abandoned any attempt to appear casual and was leaning towards Dakota.

"I think apparently they're, like, cousins. They've kept themselves to themselves so no one really knows. But I've seen a few from a distance and they all look fairly similar. I'm telling you - the boys are hot!!!" Dakota feigned fainting and giggled "And I think they're all coming to this school!"

Dakota darted off, eager to gossip to another person about this piece of news. Adeline turned to me and Sara.

"Wow, let's hope we can get a glimpse of these hot kids!" she said and Sara nodded. I shrugged, knowing that to our small town, even an ugly kid would seem hot purely due to the fact they were something different. We carried on walking to form and settled on our trio of chairs in the middle of the far-left of the room. Our form teacher scurried in moments later and perched at front desk, calling for quiet.

Then the door opened.

Three people walked in. And my jaw, along with everyone else's in the room, dropped. The first was a dark-haired girl who could only be described as perfect. She was fairly tall with olive skin and dark green eyes and was inhumanely beautiful. She was flanked by two tall boys who were just as perfect and clearly very muscular beneath their uniforms (yeah, our school has uniforms). One had sandy-coloured hair and vivid blue eyes, with one tanned arm which he twisted round the girl's waist, while the other had dark brown hair and eyes, and followed behind, looking slightly bored. He was hot. And I never gush over boys. I turned away, feeling startled. Adeline and Sara always got annoyed as I never fancied anyone with them and here I was swooning like a love-sick teenager. Urg. I risked another peek.

The dark-haired boy's (who was the best looking by far) eyes widened and met mine. I dropped my head quickly, not daring to think one second her was looking at me. I was the most ordinary person in the room. It couldn't be me. I heard Sara sigh behind me and Adeline whisper "Now that is one fit guy!"

The girl lead the small group to the front and announced to the teacher "We're new. I'm Luna and this is Kellen" she gestured to the one who was clearly her boyfriend "and this is Rafael."

The teacher closed her gaping mouth and smiled.

"My, what nice, unusual names! Please take a seat anywhere you want!"

They sat down a few rows in front of us. I swear Rafael caught my eye before I sat.

"He so looked at you!" Sara hissed at me, jealousy seeping into her voice. I blushed slightly knowing she must be mistaken.

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