Part 16

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"Adam?" I stuttered, not caring my hands were literally frozen onto the ice. He heaved me up and drew me into a giant bear hug.

"We've not seen you for ages! You didn't tell us you were coming for a visit!" he said, his words stumbling over themselves. I blinked, taken aback.

"A visit from where?" I finally stammered. It was Adam's turn to look confused.

"From Wolfe Academy, of course" he said slowly "Where you've been the past week or so"

I frowned but Luna swiftly offered Adam her hand, her eyes darting nervously to me.

"Hi, Adam, I'm Keira's new friend and roommate at Wolfe Academy. I've heard so much about you!" she gushed, conveniently obscuring me from Adam's view. I struggled up and pulled Luna backwards.

"Adam, I just need to have a word with Luna - please don't go anywhere!" I said, dragging Luna to the edge of the ice rink (or rather she held up as I directed her verbally).

"Wolfe Academy?" I hissed, once we were out of earshot and leaning safely against the rink walls. Luna flushed red and avoided my eye.

"Well, when you were on your little escapade, Raf saw the note and knew your parents would cause a stir - plus if we were going to bring you back, we needed to make sure if they saw you, they wouldn't panic. It was the best he could come with on short notice."

"But, seriously, Wolfe Academy? And they actually believed I mysteriously transferred to another school in the middle of the term they'd heard nothing about!?"

"Er, yes?"

I shot Luna a murderous glare and she pretended to become engrossed with her skates.

"Ok, Raf can be...persuasive, when he wants" she muttered.

"Persuasive?" Luna sighed.

"As a side effect of Raf being alpha, he has...certain abilities. He can manipulate the mind of humans."

I grabbed Luna's arm.

"He manipulated my parents' mind?" my voice rising an octave.

"Only a tiny bit. And it was necessary. Would you rather they be panic-stricken over their runaway daughter?"

"Runaway? You mean kidnapped?"

Luna huffed.

"You know it's not like that."

I sighed, too tired to argue. Whatever I did, Rafael could just march over and warp my parents' mind even more. I wobbled over to my brother.

"Hi, yeah, I'm fine. But I've got to get going - this was only a...field trip." I blurted out. He nodded.

"Visit next holiday." he said and helped me across to the edge of the rink. He was surprisingly good at ice skating and my eyes once again flickered to the staff name tag pinned on his t-shirt.

"Since when did you get a job at the ice rink?" I asked, as he towed me to the exit. He shrugged.

"I need money for college"

"You're actually thinking about your future?!" I said in mock disbelief and he swiped at my arm, pretending to be mad. I laughed.

He left me at the edge and I felt a wave of sadness wash over me. I knew I should be grateful Rafael had prevented them the worry of not knowing where I was but a small, selfish part of me felt slightly abandoned. After all, my parents had virtually forgotten me and Rafael had Amy now - where did that leave me?

I met Luna at the car and she unlocked it, both of us climbing inside in silence.

"If, hypothetically" I began "Rafael stayed with Amy-"

"He won't" Luna stated firmly.

"Yes, but if he did, would I be able to leave? Would you be able to fix my parents' brains?"

Luna hesitated, keys hovering above the ignition.

"No - you're a part of the pack and since we created you, we must take responsibility for you. The only person with the power to return your parents' memory, would be the alpha and you, if you accepted the mating bond."

AKA, all hope was lost.

The Alpha's Mate (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now