Part 40

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Think I might be reaching the end of the story...i don't want to drag it out too long!!! :P

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Amy recognized instantly what I was doing and leapt out the way – but only just. I snarled.

I leapt again and suddenly, we were caught in a deadly game of cat and mouse but for once, I was the cat, pouncing towards a squealing Amy who dodged my leaps effectively, frustrating me with each evasion. Her boot got stuck on a stray tree branch, scratching the tip and leaving an ugly, black mark down the side of the show. Slowly, she glanced down at it, a fire suddenly igniting her eyes as she mourned her footwear.

“These were BRAND NEW!” she screeched as she flew at me, at the same time I leapt for her. We collided and in the blink of an eye, we had resorted back to wolves, lips curled back and teeth snapping viciously at each other. I faintly noted Luna watching wordlessly but it felt as though she was a million miles away. I couldn’t dwell on the thought of anything else. No. Amy was my main focus at present. Amy and victory.

She lunged again and this time, due to my lapse in concentration, she managed to graze my neck. I released a whine, covering it with a vicious growl and lurched forward, clamping my jaw onto her front right paw when I spotted the opportune moment. Amy howled.

We continued. I was fast and strong thanks to my status in our pack, but Amy clearly had years of experience on me. She kept dancing out of my reach and then circling round to attack me from behind and keeping my eyes on her was dizzying. I was resisting but beginning to tire. This was my first proper battle and Amy knew it.

So caught up in our fight, we didn’t realize we had been actively moving and now, we were racing through the woods, pouncing and evading, in a deadly dance. My heart was pounding and my fur felt strangely heavy, matted with a dark red substance that I hadn’t notice appear. Amy refused to relent and continued to attack me, not allowing me to discover the source of my wounds. For a brief second, I wondered what on earth I had been thinking; rushing into conflict with a trained werewolf with no experience or training of me own. I would surely lose, despite being an alpha female.

We didn’t hear Luna’s warning until it was too late.

“Mineshaft!” she yelled but me and Amy had been too absorbed in our fight to paid heed to her warning. We staggered forward, our paws scrabbling at each other and then at thin air until we latched onto each other. We froze as we realized we were stuck in an irate embrace across the entrance of a large mineshaft, both supporting the other, back legs curled over the side. If either of us were to move, we would surely plummet down the shaft and who knew how far it stretched. Judging by the sickeningly large amount of time it took for the smattering of small stones (disturbed by our entrance) to hit the bottom with a muted splash, I predicted it was vast– almost certainly fatal.

“Don’t move” Amy grunted, now merging into her human form.

“Wasn’t planning on it” I choked out, unable to tear my eyes away from the black, gaping entrance of the mine “Luna!”

“Here” a quiet voice resonated from behind me.

“A little help!” I called out harshly, panicked and I sensed her wavering.

“I don’t think I can” she finally stammered and I frowned. Surely she wasn’t abandoning me now, when I needed her most!

“What do you mean?” I said desperately.

“Well, I think the edges of the mine shaft are kind of unstable…” To prove her point, she stepped forward and the ground around the large mine shaft, me and Amy shuddered slightly. Whimpering, she backed off immediately. Amy’s eyes were practically the size of saucers.

“I’ll go get help!” Luna shouted, sounding ridiculously hopeful and before I could object, she had raced off into the woods. No! I couldn’t wait that long! But I suppose I’d have to…

“What do we do?” Amy said in a quiet voice. I was about to shrug but decided against it, due to our unstable predicament. I settled for a head jerk.

“Wait for help? Die?” I said.

“I don’t know about you, but I don’t really like the sound of the second option” she murmured and I couldn’t help but agree. We both sighed simultaneously; annoyed by the situation we were stuck in.

“Maybe if we both push away at the same time and run backwards, we could get away” I suggested, unwilling to remain in the arms of Amy for longer than necessary. Obviously thinking the same, she nodded eagerly. I didn’t dare spare a glance at the mine shaft and my potential doom. My arms were beginning to cramp.

“Okay, you get what we’re going to do?”

Amy nodded.

“On the count of three.”

Another nod. We prepared ourselves, adjusting our stances. Both ready, I began speaking.


Amy shoved me backwards, grinning. I felt myself flail in mid-air but what Amy hadn’t anticipated, was the momentum she had given me by pushing me (and my alpha strength), how unbalanced the ground on her side of the mine shaft was and the fact I was still clinging to her tightly. I stumbled back and grabbed onto the side, sprinting for the cover of trees. She, however, tumbled forward on my side and tripped forward, rushing head-first into the mine. I paused in my sprint, safely out of the mine area.

“Amy?” I said tentatively after the rumble of Amy’s side of the mine collapsed.

Silence replied.

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