Part 17

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We arrived back at the mansion and I walked to the front door without even waiting for Luna. I headed towards the dining room where I saw Rafael was sat at the table alone.

"Where's Amy?" I couldn't help saying, grabbing an apple. He shrugged.

"Probably on her way home" he said, in an even tone. I paused, mid bite.

"So soon?"

"I told her I already have a mate." I snorted.

"Yeah, who hates your guts. She was your best bet."

He smirked.

"Still playing hard to get."

I narrowed my eyes, giving him evils.

"I'm not playing any game with you." I turned to walk away and felt myself pressed up against a wall, Rafael's breath tickling my forehead. He was so close, his hypnotic eyes capturing mine.

"What have I done that is so wrong?" he whispered, his voice resounding with so much agony I felt my own heart twist at the sound. I stifled the baffling urge to stroke his tanned cheeks. Keeping a rational grip on reality was virtually impossible. I held my breath, my heartbeat fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird.

His lips touched mine.

I didn't think a kiss could feel like this. It was surprisingly gentle and tender, considering his borderline-rebel appearance and muscled torso and I felt my hands slip over his shoulders. It felt so natural and every single impulse in my body was attuned to him.

Reluctantly, he drew back and I grinned giddily. He smiled sheepishly.

And then I realized what I was doing.

I crossed my arms, creating a barrier between us.

"You wanna know what you did what was so wrong? You only turned me into a werewolf without my consent, violated me by causing to change in front of all those people and twisted my parents' brains, causing them to forget their own daughter!" I said and slid from his grasp. My head was still reeling from the kiss and I hated how much he had affected me. I looked back.

His expression didn't show any anger from my previous statement or even any smugness. It perplexed me.

I strode out the room, stomping loudly.

I disliked him, hated him, in fact.

Yet a large part of me wanted to just walk back and kiss him all over again.

I found my way back to my 'new' room (in a record breaking 24 minutes) and flopped down on the bed, burying my face into my pillow. What was happening to me?

Someone cleared their throat. I jumped and spotted Luna perched on an armchair across the room. I sat up and shot her a guilty smile.

"Sorry about leaving you earlier." I muttered and she smiled, clearly signalling I was forgiven.

"It's okay - I can't stay mad at my best friend for long!"

Best friend? I wondered whether I would consider Luna my best friend. I suppose she was, considering she was my only friend in this creepy, new world.

She leapt onto the bed and sat next to me. I suddenly had a thought.

"Do you have a mate?" I asked Luna. She beamed.

"Yes - Kellen, Raf's beta. He is absolutely gorgeous!" she murmured, staring dreamily into space. I waved my hand in front of her face.

"Hello? Luna?"

She snapped out of it, blushing furiously.

"That good, huh?" I said and she nodded shyly.

"See for yourself; you've got your own perfectly good mate here." she said, turning to nudge me. I grimaced, squirming away.

"Yeah, an arrogant, hot-headed, cocky mate. Lucky me."

"He isn't inside." Luna said and I remembered the innocent gaze of adoration he had given during our kiss. Was he really vulnerable underneath that confident exterior?

"Hmm" I said.

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