Part 7

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After Rafael's 'confession', I decided to avoid him and his 'pack' from now onwards. They were undeniably mad.

I handed Mrs Dundee my report the next day, which consisted little more than vague, generic statements which I had formulated desperately late last night. It was ridiculous; I was scared she was going to whirl round and accuse me of making up the whole thing and humiliate me in front of the whole class.

This is what Rafael had reduced me to.

And it made me furious.

He had strode in English first lesson (late, naturally) and shot me a sheepish smile. I had half returned it, turning quickly back to my exercise book, trying to avoid his eye. I prayed he would just ignore me.

No such luck.

"So..." he began, "You wanna come over sometime and talk?"

I suppressed the urge to dart out the classroom.

"Um, I'm kind of busy this week" I mumbled in reply. His grin wavered.

"Next week?"

"Er, maybe"

We lapsed into silence as Miss had strode our way, prowling round the desks and we quickly busied ourselves. I sighed in relief as the bell rang before he had a chance to revive our conversation. His face set into a frown as I hurried out, still shoving my books into my backpack.

I met Sara and Adeline at lunch at our regular table. I had just unwrapped my first sandwich from my pack lunch when I heard a deep voice behind me.

"Can I have a word?"

Rafael was stood casually and I saw Sara and Adeline swoon. I felt annoyed. Why couldn't he just leave me alone?

I pushed back my chair and followed him out the canteen. He drew me into the shadows behind the door, standing so he was blocking me from dashing off. His eyes were coal black, and furrowed in confusion.

"I don't understand" he finally said, confusion tinting his words.

I shrugged.

"Understand what?"

"Why aren't you freaking out? Or at least curious?"

Because then you won't leave me alone! Although it didn't really seem to be working.

"Honestly? Because I really don't care. I know you're convinced you're some kind of werewolf but, seriously? You expect me to believe that?"

He growled slightly, which I admit was a bit alarming, and then smirked.

"You think I'm making it up?"

Before I could protest, he smiled, revealing his teeth which began elongating into those of a carnivore. His face took on a canine appearance and I gasped, pressing back into the wall. It all retracted and he smirked. My heart thudded rapidly, and his smirk deepened. I dove through the gap between his torso and the door but I felt his hand jerk me roughly back against the wall.

Okay, I was freaking out.

I suddenly let out a piercing scream. He lunged at me...and crashed his lips into mine.

I breathed, taken by complete and utter surprise, until I realized what he was doing. I pushed him off me, spitting disgustedly on the floor. That dog had just kissed me! Rafael seemed equally as surprised at his actions but recovered, angered by my apparent show of revulsion.

"How dare you kiss me?" I demanded, momentarily distracted from my intentions of screaming for help. He had regained his composure, his face sporting that stupid, trademark smirk.

"You like it really" he said smugly.

Then I did something that even surprised me.

I brought my hand up and slapped him with all the force I could muster, leaving an initial red handprint on his left cheek.

Damn, I thought, as his eyes hardened into an impenetrable black.

If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under right now.

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