Part 29

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So there we were all stood, unsure of what to do next.

"The engagement's off - I wasn't quite...myself" Rafael muttered to Amy who stared at him, wounded. She then glared at me, her features changing in a millisecond to a rock hard frown. The phrase 'if looks could kill' floated through my mind and I shivered.

"Why, Raf? We were so happy before she came along!" the vehement emphasis on the word 'she' cause Rafael to flinch. I smiled, involuntary at his show of faithfulness.

"Amy, I told you at the start, it was only temporary before I met my soul mate. You understood that." Rafael explained patiently and Amy grimaced, her perfect cupid bow lips pursing.

"Yeah, but, come on, I didn't think it would actually happen" she whined.

The kitchen door suddenly burst open.

And Tristan - the last person I expected to see - tumbled through.

"Keira, babe, I'm sorry about-" he trailed off, seeing us all stood round the breakfast bar.

"What's going on?" he stuttered, his eyes darting to Amy, who shook her head ever so slightly.

"Keira, I was just saying-"

"Save it, Tristan. I know." I shot at him. His eyes widened.

"Know what?"

"That you have a soul mate. That she is standing in this very room. And she's not me." I sent Amy a pointed look, and she froze. Rafael was rubbing his forehead, groaning.

"What is going on? So Tristan and Amy are mates?" he said and I nodded. He whirled round, pointing an accusing finger at Amy.

"You lied!"

She recoiled slightly and gravitated towards Tristan, who automatically reached for her.

"You said you'd lost your mate! I took you in!" he raved.

"I did - but I found him again." she stammered. I decided to intervene.

"Guys, I think we have a more pressing issue on our hands - like who tried to poison Rafael!" I said evenly and Rafael tensed. Amy and Tristan's eyes widened.

"Don't look innocent" I said "Right now, you are our number one (and only) suspect"

He looked alarmed.

"Why would I poison him? Amy was only supposed to flirt with him. My job was just to distract Keira."

Me and Rafael exchanged looks.


But if they hadn't touched anything, who else could it possibly be?

The tension in the room suddenly seemed so thick and tangible I could barely breathe. Everyone glanced at each other suspiciously. It was like one of those murder mysteries where the detective suddenly reveals the murderer is someone in the room. Out of the blue, I had a thought.

"Someone poisoned Luna too! So why would someone try to corrupt the mind of not only the alpha, but the beta's mate? And possibly even the beta!"

Rafael's face scrunched up into a thinking-frown. Tristan and Amy were still frozen on the spot, clinging to each other, which was, at the same time, strangely lovingly. My eyes flickered to Rafael and I blushed.

Of course he didn't notice.

"I'll alert my father and he'll check out the neighbouring packs" Rafael declared, his voice taking on a business-like tone. He strode out the room and Tristan and Amy fled as soon as he disappeared. I sighed and slipped onto a chair at the table, my head pounding.

What an unexpected turn of events.

I flicked my hair out my eyes and gazed at the apple I must have absently placed on the table, during the previous events. It had a single bite mark, preventing its smooth, red skin from appearing perfect. I picked it up absently and sniffed it cautiously. A bitter, chemical tang drifted into my nose and I gagged.

Wolfs bane.

How hadn't I noticed? I felt vaguely nauseous but not as much as before. Maybe I was developing a tolerance.

A vicious, snarling laugh erupted from behind me and I whirled around, laying eyes on the person who had poisoned me, gulping.

Recognition flared up in my brain but it was too late.

I felt myself faint, the ground rushing up to meet my face.

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