Part 8

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The last thing I remembered was being swept into his arms and placed delicately over his shoulder; while my retaliation was anything but delicate. I tried screaming again, but he had a well-placed hand halting any verbal protests I made. His back seemed impervious to my punches and I eventually resided to praying a large teacher would stumble across us, moving through the empty hallways.

But, of course, knowing my luck, they didn't. He carried me right through school and through the gates, amazingly without a single complaint, and down the streets to the mansion where he lived.

I gave up, going limp and biding my time so I could work up to an escape.

He finally slammed me down on the same bed I had found myself on last time Rafael had lost his 'temper'. I immediately scrambled up, but he pushed me back down again, sending me flying into a heap of silk cushions.

"Are you crazy?" I yelled, already knowing the answer to that. He growled - yes, actually growled - in response.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I don't speak FLAMMING WOLF" I shouted, aware that somewhere in the depths of my mind I was verging on hysterical. His expression told me he was livid, which would've usually sent me cowering under the covers, but my recently-discovered, rebellious alter ego resisted.

"Shut up!" he snarled "I thought you were meant to be shy!"

"Well, I've never really been kidnapped by a werewolf before; that might have something to do with my personality change!" I snapped. He growled louder, stalking towards me, predatorily. I wavered, but knew I couldn't show any weakness now.

"So, Mr Wolf, what are you going to do now? Eat me?!" I taunted, my new found assertion scaring myself slightly as I felt my mind falter, back to mouse-girl. Part of me wanted to bow down to him and submit - but I definitely pushed away that urge. He didn't need any ego boosts.

"You will address me as Alpha!" he roared, dominance resonant in his words.

"Why? I'm not a stupid dog like your pack!" I said, though it sounded now just above a whisper. He smirked.

"Not yet"

And then he pounced on me, pinning me down, his face dangerously close to my own and his teeth glinting as they extended. I felt myself tremble.

"W-what are you doing?" I stammered, feebly trying to escape his tight grip. His smirk widened.

"Not quite so bold now" he murmured in my ear. His arrogance enraged me, rekindling my confidence.

"How intimidating. Shame I don't respond to dogs."

I never meant to spit in his face (I really needed to stop that habit). He was virtually about to bang his skull into mine and I responded impulsively. He reared back, wiping my saliva from his eyes.

"You are gonna pay for that, you little-"

He knocked me to the floor and his teeth sharpened as his mouth neared my neck, which was now exposed.

"I thought that was vampires" I whispered.

And then I felt it. A sharp, prick at the base of my neck and I howled, even though it hardly hurt at all. They buried deep into my flesh and I felt my strength drain as I felt a chemical seep into my bloodstream. He pulled away, smirking and then suddenly horrified as if he'd suddenly woke from a dream.

He lifted me onto the bed, as I felt my eyelids droop. What had he done to me? I felt weird; as if a powerful adrenaline had seized hold of my body yet it was compelling me to sleep rather than run. I noticed the door swing open and the familiar eighteen-year-old rushed it.

"Oh, Raf, what the hell have you done?" he shouted, panicked. Rafael was backing against the wall in disbelief.

"I-I don't know, Theo, she just made me so mad, you know, yelling insults at me, and my wolf needed to put her in her place" he muttered. Theo shot worried glances at me.

"Don't tell me you actually..." he trailed off and both looked over at me.

I tried to heave myself up, but my limbs refused to budge. I could feel myself dropping asleep - into death?! I hoped not.

"You're gonna have an impossible job convincing her now" Theo said, ruefully and I could hear Rafael sigh miserably.

"Don't I know it" he said simply.

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