Part 4

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"So..." I trailed off

"So" he repeated "What are you looking for in a boyfriend?"

"What?" I blurted out, feeling a blush creep into my cheeks. He grinned.

"Fine, fine - do you have any brothers or sisters?" he said reluctantly. I still felt like my face was on fire when I answered.

"Uh, yes"

He waited, gesturing for me to continue.

"A brother" I said "You?"

"Two brothers and a sister"

I jotted that down and we sat in awkward silence for about five minutes.

"How about we swap books and just jot down facts about ourselves?" I suggested, not wanting to talk to him for a whole hour like this. He smirked - again - and plucked my book from my grasp. I grabbed his and stared at the blank page. I sneaked a peek at Rafael and saw he was scribbling madly away on my page. I stared back at Rafael's book. I started writing down random stuff such as my date of birth and parents' names. At the end of the lesson, he passed me back my book and grabbed his, sauntering out the room. I looked down at what he'd wrote.

There were no words. Just a phone number and a winking face. I grimaced.

No way was I going to call him for my homework.

I fled out the room - I was now going to fail this assignment because Rafael can't stand being rejected and needs to get a date out of me somehow.

I told Adeline and Sara in fifth period and their eyes virtually popped out of their heads.

"Wow - I so wish I was you!" Sara murmured, gently.

So do I.

"You need to call him!" Adeline whispered. I rolled my eyes.

"I don't like him! You call him!"

"But he didn't give me his number! He gave it to you!"

I shrugged, with no intention of ringing him.

When I got home, I got out my English book. The report was in for tomorrow and I had nothing on him. I wasn't really a nerd but I had a flawless record for no detentions. And Mrs Dundee had made it clear that failure to hand in the report would result in a lunchtime with her.

I sat by the phone, my hand resting on the receiver.

I couldn't let myself fail because of some stupid boy.

I picked up the phone and dialled the number on my exercise book.


"Is that Rafael?"

A pause and the voices I'd heard in the background died down.

"Yeah. Hey, Keira" he said in a mocking tone "What do you want?"

"Can you just tell me some facts so I can do my English report?" I hated the desperate edge to my voice.

"Yeah - why don't you come swing round my house?"

What could I say?

"Okay" I blurted out. What was I saying? No! No! "I'll be there in about ten minutes - your house is the manor house isn't, it?"

"Yeah" he hung up. I actually brought my hands up to my lips. Why had I said that? I had no intention of going round.

But I was stubborn, even though I was quiet.

And I wasn't going to let him intimidate me.

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