Part 22

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The first thing I thought was Woah! They're moving fast!

I heard Luna intake a sharp breath next to me and eye me anxiously. I tried to appear unfazed and smiled at her. She returned it and muttered something about her needing the bathroom and wondered if I wanted to come with her. I gladly followed her out the room as Rafael and a smug Amy were bombarded by a whole host of congratulations.

We reached the hallway and Luna spun around, enveloping me in a giant hug.

"What happened?" she blurted out and I sighed, though I wanted to tell her. I filled her in on my encounter with Tristan and Rafael's reaction. Luna nodded sadly.

"They were planning to get married before you came along." Luna finally admitted and I shrugged, though some part of me almost felt betrayed "And that has happened before; people mistake their relatives mates for their own." her voice was becoming almost inaudible. She looked up.

"But Tristan, eh? Hot, isn't he!" she nudged me, enthusiastically. I smiled but somehow I could muster the same energy. I told her about our 'date' tomorrow and she clapped excitedly.

"What are you wearing?" she asked eagerly and I shrugged.

"Don't know. Something casual. I'm not even sure if I want a mate anymore; it just seems so complicated."

Luna gasped.

"Not want a mate?! Of course you do! They complete you! They make life worth living!" she burst out, passionately. I grimaced wondering if I could actually be tethered to someone my whole life.

"Do werewolves live longer than humans?" I asked suddenly and Luna grinned.

"Werewolves age one year for every twenty human years when they hit around sixteen." she announced and I marvelled at the possibility of actually being virtually immortal. Come to think of it, the thought was quite scary and I tried to dismiss it. And now I was Tristan's mate?

I got lost in thought while Luna ranted on about what I should wear.

I was stood in the kitchen, wearing denim shorts and a light-blue tank top when Tristan strolled in. I embraced him in an awkward hug, determined to make the most of this mates business after Luna's lecture (which lasted half the night) and Tristan's face remained set in a goofy grin.

Normally, you'd probably be expecting a giant description of what a great date we had. But to be honest, it wasn't that great. It was, well...average. We went and saw a movie at the cinema and he bought me some popcorn which I sat munching throughout the duration of the film since it was some boring sci-fi. I didn't dare talk to Tristan as he seemed so engrossed in the movie that his tongue was actually sticking out in concentration. He offered to take me out for an early lunch and I declined, wanting him to just drive me back home. We pulled up back at the mansion and, out of the blue, he swooped down and kissed me on the lips. I wanted so bad for it to feel nice; so I could convince myself that this was truly my soul mate but it only served to eat a hole of disappointment and worry in my heart. My only comparison was Rafael's stolen kisses and they were in a different league. I realized how desperately I wanted those lips on mine to be Rafael's. What a silly thought. Of course, I didn't want that.

I sauntered inside, more confused than ever and sort out Luna. As if psychic, she appeared before me and led me up to my room, sitting me on the bed.

I am ashamed to say I actually cried. I know. What a wimp, right?

"I don't love him! He can't be my soul mate!" I blubbered whilst Luna rubbed my back, reassuringly. She puckered her brow for a moment.

"When you truly accept your werewolf form, you love your mate unconditionally. I'm unsure about werewolves in denial." she said finally. Great. So to get myself to love Tristan, I would have to accept to part of me I hated. My life was seriously messed up.

"I don't know whether I could do that. Surely I would at least feel a spark with him. I felt more with Rafael" I announced and thought about what I had just said. All the time I had been with Rafael, I had obviously shown my dislike at being a werewolf, and his mate, but I had never questioned it. But now I was just so perplexed!

I sighed in frustration.

"Why can't I still be human?! Life was a lot less complicated!" I whined. Luna pouted.

"But then you wouldn't have me."

"True. Plus I suppose it has made my life plenty more exciting" I said, sighing again.

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